I am afraid of Shani. I believe you too. No one can get respite from Shani’s wrath (Saturn’s Anger) during the period of malefic Shani. The Shani Sadhe Sati, Shani Mahadasha, and Kantak Shani are the popular terminologies that the people aware of. The people perform various remedial measures to get rid of the influence of the malefic Saturn.In this article, I would like to explain as to who should wear a blue sapphire to get relief from Saturn and boost the positive effect.

The Saturn is one of the most powerful planets in the zodiac. Far to speak of human, even Lord Shiva could not get relief from the wrath of the planet Saturn. The emperor Vikramaditya also got victimized by Lord Shani during the Sadhe Sati.
The planet Saturn is the judge who punishes us for our bad deeds. When Saturn is malefic there could be severe damages to health, wealth, social stigma and what not.
The general characteristics of the planet Saturn
As we know the different planet has different characteristics. The planet Saturn is no exception. The planet Saturn can be both malefic and benefic.
When the planet Saturn is beneficial, it makes one headstrong, determined, careful, disciplined, hard-working, envious, knowledgeable, and profound. The strong Saturn can make one morally and mentally strong. It makes one farsighted as well. The planet Saturn bring wealth, money and material success as well.
When it is malefic in the natal chart, it makes one lazy, cheating bent of mind, skeptic, melancholic and depressed. The person suffers a lot during the malefic period of Saturn. The premature death of the family members, marital discord, lawsuits, fraternal fight, enmity with kingly people, deterioration of health, financial loss, severe debt and chronic diseases become the part of life.
What to do when Saturn is harmful?
During the period of the Saturn, the people become restless to get respite. The people start consulting local astrologer to hi-tech internet astrologer.
In a nutshell, the Saturn brings inauspicious result when it is afflicted by Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn. It also does harm when it is combusted by Sun.
There are ample of remedial measures available for getting rid of the malefic influence of the Saturn. The Tone and Totke, Rudraksha, Yantra, Mantra and Gemstone become the part of the remedial measures.
The Blue Sapphire or Neelam is highly popular among the people. Most of the people are not aware of wearing it in a relevant manner.
They blindly believe what the astrologer prescribes.
It is one of the most powerful gemstones that are being used by the people from the different walks of life.
It can be extremely beneficial if you are eager to boost health, wealth, money, social establishment, glory and phenomenal business success.
Celebrities who wear blue sapphire

Generally, the blue sapphire is worn by the aristocratic people as it is extremely expensive. There are many celebrities who use different kinds of gemstone. The Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and steel magnate Laxmi Mittal do use it.
- Aries Ascendant – No
- Taurus Ascendant – Yes
- Gemini Ascendant – Yes
- Cancer Ascendant – No
- Leo Ascendant – No
- Virgo Ascendant – Yes
- Libra Ascendant – Yes
- Scorpios Ascendant – No
- Sagittarius Ascendant – No
- Capricorn Ascendant – Yes
- Aquarius Ascendant – Yes
- Pisces Ascendant – No
Blue Sapphire for Aries Ascendant
If you belong to Aries Ascendant, the planet Saturn is the lord of the 10th and 11th house. Hence, the planet Saturn is the not a beneficial planet. It is not recommended to wear blue sapphire for the person born in the Aries ascendant since it will bring negative result.
However, you can only wear if you are running through the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn while the planet Saturn is posited in its own or exalted sing in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Libra. In such a condition, wearing it can help in professional development, career growth, success in business, name, and fame. There will be multiple sources of income.
The use of Blue Sapphire can deactivate the negative influence of the planet Saturn.
Blue Sapphire for Taurus Ascendant
The native born in the Taurus ascendant is highly recommended to use Blue Sapphire in all circumstances. The planet Saturn is the lord of the 9th and 10th which is the most beneficial planet for the native. Hence, wearing a blue sapphire can be extremely beneficial for the native born in the Taurus ascendant.
This most powerful gemstone can bring success in the profession, career, and business etc. It can be also beneficial those who have been facing obstacles in their career. It can bring highly effective result during the administrative period of Saturn. It will help to keep contacts with influential people and also bring the support of nature.
If Saturn is afflicted by Mars, Rahu, and Ketu and Combusted by Sun, wearing it can be great to neutralize the negativity. One can get more visible result when this stone is used along with diamond the gemstone belongs to ascendant lord Venus.
Blue Sapphire for Gemini Ascendant
When the native is born with the ascendant of Gemini, the Blue Sapphire is prescribed to improve the beneficial result of the planet Saturn. The Saturn is the lord of the 8th and 9th house respectively. Since the planet Saturn rules over the 9th house for the Gemini ascendant, it is considered a beneficial planet.
Thus, wearing this blue stone can be highly effective for the native born in the Gemini ascendant. It can bring good fortune, money, wealth, material happiness, relationship with the father, spiritual attainment and a strong support of nature. It is especially more effective if you are running through the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn.
It can neutralize the negativity when the planet Saturn is afflicted by the malefic planets such as Mars, Rahu, Ketu and combusted by Sun.
It can bring more beneficial result if it is worn along with Emerald the gemstone of the Mercury the lord of the ascendant.
Blue Sapphire for Cancer Ascendant
If you belong to Cancer ascendant, then wearing Blue sapphire can be harmful. Hence, in no circumstance, you should use this gemstone. As the planet, Saturn is the lord of the 7th and 8th house, it is considered as the malefic planet for the cancer ascendant.
However, in some certain conditions, the native belong to Cancer ascendant can wear it. If you have been running through the Mahadasha of Saturn and the planet Saturn is placed in the own sign in Capricorn and Aquarius, then you can wear this powerful gem. You can also wear this stone during the period of Saturn if it is posited in the exalted sign.
The use of blue sapphire by the Cancer native can have the long span of life, marital bliss, long travel and success in the partnership business.
Blue Sapphire for Leo Ascendant
When the native belongs to Leo ascendant, the blue sapphire is strongly denied as it can harm. The planet Saturn is the lord of the 6th and 7th house which is Marak for the Leo ascendant. That is why it is important to avoid wearing this gem without consulting an astrologer.
However, the blue sapphire is prescribed during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn if it is posited in the own house in Capricorn, Aquarius and exalted in Pisces. The blue sapphire can help to get rid of debt, disease, and enemies. It can also help develop the matrimonial relation.
Blue Sapphire for Virgo Ascendant
The native born with Virgo ascendant can take advantage of using Blue Sapphire. The planet Saturn is the lord of the 5th and 6th house. Hence, it is considered as a beneficial planet for the Virgo ascendant. The use of Blue Sapphire can improve the brain power, memory, and intelligence.
It is particularly helpful for the students who are not scoring well. The childless couple can be immensely benefitted by using Blue Sapphire.
The blue sapphire can be extremely result oriented during the major period and sub-period of the planet Saturn.
It can bring more spectacular result if it is worn along with emerald the gemstone of Mercury the ascendant lord.
Blue Sapphire for the Libra Ascendant
The Blue sapphire is an extremely beneficial gemstone for the native born under Libra ascendant. As a lord of 4th and 5th house, the planet Saturn is the most beneficial planet. Hence, wearing blue sapphire can be extremely beneficial for education, blessing with a baby, intelligence, and presence of mind.
The use of blue sapphire by the Libra native can bring the native good house, friend circle, happiness and material success. It can also develop the health of the native’s mother.
This effective and powerful gemstone can be proved immensely lucky during Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn. As the Saturn is the most beneficial planet, it can be used throughout life by the native.
The blue sapphire can be more effective when it is used along with the Diamond the gem for the ascendant lord Venus.
This gemstone can neutralize affliction of the Saturn by Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Sun.
Blue Sapphire of Scorpio Ascendant
If you belong to Scorpion ascendant, the planet Saturn rules over the 3rd and 4th house which is a malefic planet as per the Vedic astrology. Hence, it is strictly prohibited to use Blue Sapphire as a remedial measure.
However, you can use the gemstone in certain condition after consulting a qualified astrologer. If you have been continuing through the Mahadasha of Saturn and Saturn is placed in the 3rd, 4th house in own sign and exalted in 12th house.
The use of Blue Sapphire can make you courageous, forceful, commanding and it can develop a good relationship with siblings. The use of blue sapphire can bring wide friend circle, good house, and vehicular pleasure etc.
Blue Sapphire for Sagittarius Ascendant
When the native is born in the Sagittarius ascendant, the Blue sapphire is strongly denied. The Planet Saturn is the lord of the 2nd and 3rd house respectively which is not beneficial for the native.
One can use Blue Sapphire if it is placed in its own sign and exalted sign in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Libra during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the Saturn.
The wearer can get happiness from the members of the family and improve wealth. It can help you to command over the language. The use of this effective gem can make one courageous, forceful and can develop harmony with the siblings.
Blue Sapphire for Capricorn Ascendant
The Blue Sapphire is a highly beneficial gemstone for the native born in the Capricorn ascendant. The Saturn rules over the Lagna or ascendant and 2nd house in the natal chart. Hence, wearing blue sapphire can extremely beneficial.
The wearer can improve health, personality, courage, force, knowledge, wealth and general well-being. The gem can also improve the social standing, name, and fame.
The Blue Sapphire can be extremely beneficial when it is used during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the planet Saturn. It is especially beneficial when the planet Saturn is afflicted, combusted and debilitated in the birth chart.
Blue Sapphire for Aquarius Ascendant
If the native is born with the Aquarius ascendant, the wearing blue sapphire is highly recommended. The planet Saturn owns the ascendant and 12th house. Though it rules over the 12th house, the Blue sapphire is a beneficial gemstone as the lord of the ascendant.
The blue sapphire can be extremely beneficial when the planet Saturn is weak, afflicted by Mars, Rahu, Ketu, and Sun. The wearer can improve health, wealth, personality, command and courage etc.
The blue sapphire can be extremely beneficial when it is used during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn.
Blue Sapphire for Pisces Ascendant
If you are born with the Pisces ascendant, you are strictly advised to avoid the blue sapphire. The planet Saturn is the lord of the 11th and the 12th house which is a malefic planet as per Vedic astrology. Hence, it is not recommended to use this gemstone.
However, you can use during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn if the planet Saturn is posited in the own and exalted sign.
The use of blue sapphire can bring money, wealth and it can also stabilize the volatility of income.
How to use Blue Sapphire
- Weight – 4 Karats
- Auspicious day – Saturday
- Auspicious finger – Middle finger
- Auspicious metal – Silver
- Mantra – ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रों स: शनैश्चराय नमः || (108 Times)
Get set the blue sapphire with silver. Dip it either in the Ganga’ water or cow milk on Saturday. Chant Shani Mantra 108 times before wearing the gem. The ideal time for wearing this stone is between 9 AM to 10 AM. However, some are of opinion to wear it in the evening.
I am born with libra lagna and saturn in the aries (7 th house ) and mars in the second house in scorpio. rashi-taurus
Should I wear khooni neelam?
Hi Ashutosh, Khooni Neelam is a controversial affair. Don’t go for Khooni Neelam. In stead use original Neelam.
I am very confused as even I have very good quality Neelam, Panna & Diamond but some astrologer asked me not to wear & some says to wear, I am highly confused. Can you please suggest whether I can wear these stones? My DOB is 11.08.1961, TOB – 18:30PM & POB: Patna(Bihar). Please help
Can I wear Neelam as per my Rasi chart Saturn is in Kendra(1st house) but shifted to 12th house in Bhawa chart.
Please Help, I am a very famous Engineer in Solar Thermal Technology
Hi Vimal Kumar, thanks a lot for writing to me. The Diamond, Blue Sapphire and Emerald are your suitable and life stone. You can go for all these stones. You can certainly use Blue Sapphire. We had a lengthy discussion over the phone in this respect.
My Dob is 26/08/1980, Delhi, at 7:20pm , female…i do have with me white sapphire 3 carat, blue sapphire 4 carat, emerald pendant in gold, I am looking to move abroad but not finding right job opportunities, Pls guide which gemstones I should wear to benefit me at this phase of my life. I am in Shani mahadasha and rahu antardasha now.
Hi Raakhi, great to know that you have been using all the correct gemstones. I don’t have any gemstones beyond this as the astrologer has prescribed you the correct lucky stones. As far as overseas travel and jobs are concerned, it has been difficult to get such opportunities since you have taken birth in fixed sign (Aquarius ascendant) and the lord of ascendant Saturn is posited in the dual sign. In such a situation, I recommend you to read Aditya Hriday Stotram daily so as to get success in career and profession.
Sir my dob is 19.02.1986 9.25pmmithuna rashi vigro lagna Shani and Mars is in 8th house can I wear blue sapphire
Hi Siva, you can of course use Blue Sapphire. However, it will be more beneficial if you wear Blue Sapphire along with Emerald the gemstone for the Mercury the ascendant and 10th house lord.
Hi I am Prasoon.My rashi is Gemeni Mithun and Asendant Libra Tula.Saturn is in 8th house Retrogated.Many advice not to wear Neelam.Some advise that if you want to have children do not wear till your wife conceive. I HAD A LATE MARRIAGE.
DIV 06.11.1971 place Allahabad. Time 6:30 am.I had tried Neelam it suits me.Professionaly I have risen but never had a family life .Got remarried in 2016.Never had any relation in first MARRIAGE which took place in 2010 and legal separation in 2015.
Hi Prasoon,
Marital problem is clearly visible in your chart as the marriage lord Mars is afflicted by malefic Saturn and Rahu. Marriage house is afflicted by Sun. Hence, there is separation. I can say Blue Sapphire is a suitable stone for you and you should use it. It will help you to have children as the Saturn is the lord of the 5th house.
Am virgo ascendant and Rashi is also virgo, rahu is placed in 4th house, Guru in 5th house, Mars in 6th house, Sun and Mercury in 8th house, Saturn and Venus in 9th house and ketu in 10th house. Mercury and Venus are combust. Moon is in Lagan. Can I wear emerald and blue sapphire along with diamond. plz suggest me suitable gemstone. Thanks.
Hi Riyaz,
You have nicely explained and it looks like you have been studying astrology. The combination of Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Dimaond is by far the best combination of gems for you.
Thanks a lot Sirji….plz tell me can I wear blue sapphire in the left hand or diamond in the left hand as I feel little wierd wearing 3 rings in the same hand. Plz suggest it suggestions means lot. Thanks regards
Hi Sir,
I was born on Amavasya. Now i am running Shani Mahadasha. Shani is in 11th house in my Janma Kundali and Very strongly placed. It is placed in a benefit house.
Makara rasi, simha lagna, shravana nakshatra, 4th padha.
Now. My doubt is, what stones i need to wear to be more luckiest, richest person in shani mahadasha.
Hi Shiva,
You should wear Ruby along with Red Coral to become rich and prosperous. You should not use Blue Sapphire despite Shani in Gemini.
My details
Name: trivikram
DOB : 10/07/1981
Time: 10:30am
Place: Bhandara (Maharashtra)
I am want to should I wear Nilam…
Hi Trivikram
Neelam is not a suitable stone for you as you belong to Leo ascendant. You should wear Ruby at least 4 carats. Wearing Red Coral 7 carats along with Ruby will be highly effective.
Am aquarius ascendant and rashi is mithun rashi. Rahu placed in lagna . Sun in 3rd house. Mercury+jupiter+venus are placed in 4th house. Moon+Mars are placed in 5th house. Ketu placed in 7th house. Saturn placed in 11th house. Sir suggest me, can i wear blue sapphire..?
Hi Sachin,
Blue Sapphire is extremely beneficial to you. You can move with Neelam.
Thank you so much sir…
Hi Ihave two basic questions:
1.my DOB is 30 July 1971; POB Ranchi; Time 10:35 AM…
Will Blue sapphire be OK for me?
2. Can we wear used gemstones? my fathers Blue sapphire worked for him… can it be used by me?
Hi Priyesh
Although Blue Sapphire is good for you, it is not recommended to wear used one.
I have Capricorn Ascendant (Lagan), Saturn is in 11th House, Mercury in 10th. I have thought of getting Emerald as recommended by an astrologer. However, i have read articles that i should also wear Blue Sapphire along with Emerald.
But i also read article that Blue Sapphire not required as Saturn in 11th house.
What would you suggest?
Hi V Singh
The Blue Sapphire will be highly beneficial. Go for it.
Hello sir , i am aquarius ascendant and rashi is mithun rashi. Rahu placed in lagna . Sun in 3rd house. Mercury+jupiter+venus are placed in 4th house. Moon+Mars are placed in 5th house. Ketu placed in 7th house. Saturn placed in 11th house. Sir suggest me, can i wear hessonite…if yes then in which finger can i wear it?
Hi Sachin
You should not use Hessonite as Rahu is posited in the ascendant. I suggest you to use Blue Sapphire at least 4 carats on Saturday. It will be more beneficial.
hi sir
my name is Sachin my Lgana is acquires and moon in my Lagna and Saturn in my 7th house in Leo and Rahu in 8th house in Virgo can I wear Blue sapphire please give me advice
Hi Sachin,
The Blue Sapphire is your life stone. You can use at least 4 carats throughout life.
Hi. My DOB is February 6, 1980, time 9:45pm, and place Kolkata. Kanya rashi and Kanya lagna. I am currently wearing emerald, diamond, and coral for high mangal dosh. Can I wear blue sapphire?
Hi Mita
Wearing Emerald and Diamond is good. Also Blue Sapphire will do wonder. However, Red Coral is not worn along with Emerald, Diamond and Blue Sapphire. Your Mangal Dosh is no longer effective. Hence, avoid using Red Coral.
Hi sir
My name is Gurpreet Ghuman
If possible please tell me is it ok if I wear Blue sap hid my Lagan is Makar and Saturn in 8th house Maharashtra is Venus
My DOB is 27 September 1978
Time 4:15 PM Approx
Place : Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Hi Gurpreet
Can you please explain your queries correctly without grammatical error.
hello sir my dob 16 dec 1982 4:55 am i lost my job in march 2017 and undergoing all types of major problems wife seperation , job is lost , financially unwell . please suggest which gemstone i should wear to rectify all these problems
Hi Vipul
Please share your place of birth.
Hi my DOB is 29/12/62. I am going through Sade sati and Shani Mahadasha. Which stone should I wear for good health and setting up my business.
Hi Gayatri
Please share your time of birth and place of birth so as to know the correct gemstone. Wearing Blue Sapphire without proper knowledge can be harmful
Hi thank you so much for taking out the time to respond. My birth time is 4.05 am place Gwalior M.P
Hi Gayatri
Wear Red Coral at least 7 carats along with Ruby 5 carats with gold. It will help to achieve your goal.
Hi Manoranjanji, thank you for responding please could you send me details of a private consultation of the full horoscope and also would like to know why ruby and coral are beneficial to me. Thanks in advance.
Hi sir
Name : Sonia
DoB 08-07-1991
Time 12:30 afternoon
Place Jammu
Should i wear blue sapphire
Hi Sonia
Although you can wear Blue Sapphire, the priority is Diamond or White Sapphire. The planet Saturn is very powerful in your chart. Hence, Blue Sapphire is not the priority lucky stone.
Aquarius ascendant but saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn 12th house.can i wear blue sapphire.now using diamond.
Hi Manoj
Since you belong to Aquarius ascendant, using Blue Sapphire along with Diamond can be extremely beneficial. It will bring overall achievement in life.
Dear Sir,
My DOB is 05-May-1984, Time:05.15AM, Place:Ernakulam,Kerala.Could you kindly suggest which gemstones I should be wearing?
Many Thanks!
Hi Manjusha
Wear Red Coral in ring finger with gold on Tuesday of bright fortnight. It should be at least 7 carats.
Thank you so much Sir, for the prompt reply. The birth time I gave was approximate, it is in fact between 3AM and 5.15AM. Is red coral still suitable? My astrologer had also advised red coral.Thanks in advance
Hi Manjusha
Your ascendant will be between Pisces and Aries during this period. Hence, wearing Red Coral will be extremely beneficial.
Many thanks Sir!
Hello Sir,
My DOB is 18-05-1987, POB Thiruvalla, Kerala,TOB 7.30 am. I have been struggling due to financial crisis, unstable career,health issues etc..(thyroid,hormonal imbalance majorly and issues associated with it). I had an emerald stone ring years ago,atkeats 14 years ago and I lost it somehow .could you guide me!? Now m wearing blue sapphire storm earring as a second stud and emerald stone ear ring as the main stud ..is this recommended? Could you guide me choose the right one!? Shall I wear the saphire and emerald stone finger rings instead of ear rings? I have been wearing saphire ear rings since 10th December 2017 and honestly I don’t see any major positive change in my career and health is better than before ,but not completely alright! I am confused as some people in the family told me not to wear saphire ear rings! Both emerald and saphire ear rings are of gold.please help.thank you
HI Alex
The ear rings will not work. You should only use stones in the finger or as a pendant.
Sir my dob is 18.11.1978 2.39 am rashi vigro
mithuna lagan Shani 12th house can I wear blue sapphire pob Jalandhar
Hi Prince Kumar
You can use Blue Sapphire without any hesitation. Shani is the lord of 9th house (fate and fortune). Hence, Blue Sapphire will be quite effective.
Hello, my name is Subhasis Maiti. Recently I visited an astroloser who prescribed me three stones after seeing my lagna chart. These are red coral, white coral and only neela. My dob 30th may of 1977, time 6:07Am, location Tamluk, west bengal. Please suggest me whether these are correct. Also tell me that the gemstone whether will give beneficial result only for benefacial planets.
Hi Subhasis
There is popular saying ‘Doctors differ’. Hence, the astrologer might be correct in his place. However, I suggest you to use only Blue Sapphire as you are under the Mahadasha of Shani and Shani is ascendant lord.
Hi Sir,
My name is Tuvisha Gupta
dob- 5/02/1993
Time is 1:20 PM and place is Jaipur.
I wanted to know whether i could wear blue sapphire or not, and also if i could wear amethyst.
Hi Tuvisha
The Blue Sapphire is good for you.You can use Amethyst but it will be like eating bread instead of Roti the life sustaing food.
Hi sir
I am vipin my date of birth 18 June 1981
Time 10.10 PM
I want to know suitable gem for growth in career and income. Place of birth Lucknow.
Hi Vipin
You are born with Capricorn ascendant. The planet Venus is in 6th house which is a negative house hampering career and income. Hence, use either Diamond or White Sapphire as a life stone.
Hi sir my birthdate is 17:03:1993 birthtime 13:35 born in bhachau (Gujarat) should i wear neelam or diamond ?
Hi Dhaval,
Both Saturn and Venus is very powerful in your chart. Although Neelam and Diamond is suitable, I suggest you to go for Emerald.
when red coral can be worn with blue shappire for gemini ascendant?
Hi Subhasis,
You can wear Red Coral during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Mars if the the planet Mars is posited in the own or exalted sign.
Hello sir, my birth details are 11 Oct 1986 12.00 PM Dubai, UAE. Pls advise if Blue Sapphire will help in improving my financial condition. My Rashi is Capricorn and lagna ascendant is Sagittarius. I’m wearing Ruby stone. Pls advice.. Thanks in advance..
Hi Jeetu,
Ruby is perfect. However, you should not use Blue Sapphire as Saturn is a Marakesh for you.The Yellow Sapphire will work well.
My DOB 24 th March 1993 .Time :10:35 A.M …. place – Kolkata….can I ware Indra Neelam?
Hi Sunando
You can of course use Indra Neelam (Blue Sapphire). However, I don’t recommed you as the planet Saturn is very powerful in your chart. I suggest you Emerald instead. It should be at least 5 carats.
Hi Pabak
The Blue Sapphire is your most suitable gemstone. The gemstones are prescribed as per the Vedic astrology not K P system.
Hi Sir,
My full name is
Syed Sultan Alam Quadri
i was born on
30 March 1986
My sunsign is ARIES.
My birth time is Morning.
i am a working IT professional and planning to move out of india through my current company..
I recently brought Blue Neelam and wearing it in middle fingure.
Can you please suggest me if the blue neelam is beneficial for me.
i am having huge debts on my head thats why planning to move out of india to earn more but its not working.. i am giving the interviews but the client and my managers are refusing me.
Can you please tell me which stone should i wear. or should i continue with blue neelam.
awaiting your reply sir.
Hi Syed Sultan Alam Quadri,
My calculation says you should wear Yellow Sapphire instead of Blue Sapphire (Neelam).
Hello Sir,
Hope You are doing well.
I am a libra ascendant.and my saturn is placed in the third house.I want to know can i wear blue sapphire?
Please guide me for that.
Hi Apoorv
You can wear blue sapphire.
Hi Manoranjan,
I am born on Jan 10th 1986 at 2:20 PM at Rajahmundry, AP, India. Taurus ascendant- can I wear blue Sapphire. My weight is 82 kg’s, what should be the weight of stone?
Please help
Thank you
HI Ruvick
The Blue sapphire is the most beneficial gemstone for you. There is no rules for the weight of gemstone mentioned in the classical text.Ideally, 4 to 5 carat is enough. However, some modern astrologer do recommend 1 carat per extra 10 kg. Hence, it is 7 to 8 carats. But, it will be very expensive as a bigger stone.
Hi Manoranjan,
I am born on November 11th 1977 at 04:15 AM at Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Libra ascendant- I am already having a Emerald of 5.4 ct on my right little finger and a diamond of 0.64 ct on my right middle finger . I have also been asked by several astrologer to wear a Blue Sapphire along with both these stones . If I wear Blue Sapphire is that going to be beneficial for me in career , finance and in having my second child and whether I can wear it in the same middle finger of Right hand along with the Diamond ? If not Can I wear it on the left hand middle finger ? Appreciate your kind inputs in this regard
Hi Arnab
It is good to have Blue Sapphire along with Diamond and Emerald. This will help in all respect.You can use as a pendant even.It is recommended to wear in the middle finger. You can shift your diamond to the ring finger. The male should use gemstone in the right hand.
Hi Manoranjan,
I am born on Feb 1st 1979 at 2:50 PM at Talwandi Bhai, Punjab. can I wear Blue Sapphire. Emerald, Diamond and Yellow Sapphire. As three different astrologers has recommended these 4 gems for me.
Please help
Thank you
Hi Gurpreet,
Wishing you a great happy birthday. First priority is Emerald, 2nd priority is Blue Sapphire and 3rd priority is Diamond. A big no to Yellow Sapphire. You can use Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Diamond at the same time. You can also go for individually depending upon your wallet.
dob is may 09 1988
birth time: 7:30 AM
which germstone i should wear?
Hi Sudi
What is your place of birth? Please share.
DoB: 26-5-1989
Place: Gondia (Maharashtra)
Tiime: 14:00 hours (2 PM)
I am studying for Civil Service exam and want to be selected in Indian Police Service or Indian Revenue Service.
1. Can I wear blue sapphire all my life or till the Sade-Sati period only?
2. I will be buying blue sapphire this week of 3.5 caret because it was the only piece with royal blue color, rest others were of higher weight with navy blue color which didn’t look good. Kindly suggest will buying 3.5 caret work for me?
3. Which is the lucky gemstone for wearing lifetime for a prosperous and obstacle free life?
4. Does Blue Sapphire work for good marriage? At what age will I be getting married and can I expect a happy married life?
Hi Anirudh
The Blue Sapphire is a life stone and you can use it throughout life. As lucky stone you should use Emerald at least 5 carats with gold in pinky finger. It will boost your career, profession and help you to lead a prosperous and problem-free life. You should go for our paid services for marriage related queries.
Dear Sir
My date of birth is 09.05.1984
Time of birth 06:12 am
Place of birth -bah Uttar Pradesh
I am tauras ascendant and moon sign leo
My Saturn is exalted in libra sign in sixth house. Can I wear blue sapphire??
Hi Tejender,
Blue Sapphire is by far the best stone for you. Go ahead.
My date of birth 11-03-1983 03:35am day is thursday
rashi is capricorn & lagna also capricorn lagna
nakshatra is shravana nakshatra 2nd pada
moon is in 1st house and saturn is in 10th house,
can i wear blue sapphire or suggest any other.
Blue Sapphire is the luckiest for you. Go ahead with it.
Hello Sir
My name Sanjay Rathod.
My DOB 10 Feb 1970
My TOB 07.30 am
Place : Manama, Bahrain.
Im Aquarius Asecendant, Moon Sign Pisces/meen.
Which stone is best for me?
Dear Sanjay,
Your most suitable and life stone is Blue Sapphire. It should be at least 4 carats in weight.
Dear Manoranjan,
My complements to you for your insightful article. I have some doubts regarding the use of gemstones in my case for which I need your clarification.
I was born on 23-09-1969 @ 2.50 pm in Bangalore.
Most of the astrologers recommend gemstones for the lords of the 1st, 5th & 9th (trine) houses. As per this, I should be wearing gemstones for Saturn, Venus & Mercury respectively.
However, in my Lagna chart, 1st house ascendant lord Saturn is debilitated in 4th house and is aspected by Ketu. 5th house lord Venus which is also the 10th (kendra) house lord, is in 8th (trik) house (in enemy sign of Leo) along with Ketu and is aspected by Moon & Rahu. Though 9th house lord Mercury is exalted in 9th house itself along with Sun & Jupiter, it is also the lord of 6th (trik) house.
Morever, Mars is Manglik in 12th (trik) house (in friendly sign of Pisces) and aspects 3rd, 6th & 7th houses.
Keeping in view the above, would it be advisable for me to wear either a blue sapphire, white sapphire or an emerald or should I wear all the three. Alternately, do I need to wear a red coral. If not, then can I comprehensively wear a Navarathna ring. Which of these options will give me success & prosperity in my personal & professional lives.
Dear Sanjay Kumar,
Thank you for posting a comment. After a detailed evaluation of your natal chart, I have come to the conclusion that your lucky and life stones are Blue Sapphire, Emerald and Diamond or White Sapphire. However, I would like to recommend Blue Sapphire as the priority stone, secondarily Diamond or White Sapphire and then Emerald. You can ignore Emerald as Mercury is already gracefully placed in your chart. in a nutshell, Blue Sapphire and White Sapphire is by far the best that will bring achievements in life from all front. The Red Coral is a big NO. Navaratna ring is not required.
Hello Manoranjan,
I have been reading your topics on regarding gemstones. It gives us more understanding and knowledge. Thanks for this.
In respect to gemstones, I have question that as per my birth details currently I am wearing emerald and diamond. Could you please suggest that should i wear blue sapphire also for everytime for professional and personal life.
Birth time 10.30 morning.
Dear Ramesh,
You have been wearing Emerald and Diamond which is absolutely perfect. You can use Blue Sapphire as your lucky stone.
I have been following your tips in this website. Could you recommend me a gemstone with the metal & finger I should wear it in?
My DOB is 4th October 1995, 3:15 PM in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
I want something to boost my career, personal relations & luck.
Please & thank you!
Dear Laxmi Narayanan,
You should use Diamond 1 carats or its substitute White Sapphire 4 carats as Diamond might not be affordable for you. You can also use White Topaz or Opal for the time being as a substitute to Diamond and White Sapphire. The diamond and White Sapphire is your life stone and can augment your career and reshape your destiny.
Can I wear Blue sapphire and Diamond In Venus Mahadasha .
Ascendant is Aquarius with Venus and Mercury in ascendant and Saturn in 11th house aspecting ascendant i; e Venus.
Dear Ramana,
Both Blue Sapphire and Diamond is your life and lucky stone. Go ahead with these stones.