The Venus is a beneficial planet by nature. However, Venus Mahadasha can be harmful to you if it is conjoined with malefic planets such as Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu.
The planet Venus signifies luxury, love, romance, relationship, marriage, creativity, arts and entertainment, foods, cars, apparels, television, radio, drama, movies, songs and lavish elements of the world.

If the planet Venus is afflicted, combusted and conjoined with evil planets, then you will suffer a lot. Especially, you will be devoid of all the luxury, love, romance and marriage. You will be cheated by opposite sex and you love will often get broken.
In this article, I am going to discuss if you are going to get great benefits during the 20 years of Venus Mahadasha.
Result of malefic Mahadasha of Venus for 20 years
The planet Venus is symbol of luxury. If the planet Venus is weak and afflicted in your birth chart, then you must be suffering a lot.
The severe affliction of Venus can bring trials and sorrows to love, relationship and marriage. You will get married late in life.
The malefic Venus will not help you to become successful as an artist or creative personality.
You might also suffer from venereal diseases. Hence, it is extremely important to illicit relation with the opposite sex.
You are likely to experience loss of money and business. The malefic Shukra even will not let you wear a luxurious dress.
If the planet Venus is malefic and the ruling period is going on, then it is very important to perform remedial measures for Venus.
Result of benefic Mahadasha of Venus for 20 years
If your Venus is powerful and exalted in the birth chart, then it is a boon for you. As we know that the planet Venus is the ruler of luxury and material happiness, it is extremely important that the planet Venus is strong enough in the birth chart.
During the period of benefic Venus you will have achievements listed here.
- You will achieve your career goal as an artist, creative head and entertainer.
- You will succeed in the career pertaining to hotel and hospitality
- You can opt the profession relating to ladies products
- You can make career in the airlines.
- You will have a beautiful life partner.
- You can make a career as an astrologer
- You can be crowned with achievement in the fashion industry.
- You will get all kinds of happiness from your opposite sex.
- You will have luxurious car and house.
- You will remain young for a long span of life.
And ultimately, you will get all kinds worldly success.
Result of Shukra Mahadasha in a nutshell (Based on Ascednant)
The planet Venus gives different result to the different people. It is not necessary that the planet Venus is beneficial to me and it will be beneficial to you too.
There are different circumstances that can either work or not. It basically works as per the ascendant. I have explained here in short if the planet Venus is beneficial to you and it will bring auspicious result during 20 years of its administration.
Aries Ascendant – Venus is malefic
Taurus Ascendant – Venus is benefic
Gemini Ascendant – Venus is benefic
Cancer Ascendant – Venus is malefic
Leo Ascendant – Venus is Malefic
Virgo Ascendant – Venus is benefic
Libra Ascendant – Venus is benefic
Scorpio Ascendant – Venus is malefic
Sagittarius Ascendant – Venus is malefic
Capricorn Ascendant – Venus is benefic
Aquarius Ascendant – Venus is benefic
Pisces Ascendant – Venus is Malefic
Venus Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant
The planet Venus is the lord of the Ascendant (1st house and 7th house). Hence, it is considered as a Marak planet.
The planet Venus is generally will bring negative result for the person born with Aries Ascendant. The planet Venus can be extremely detrimental if it is debilitated, ill-placed and afflicted by malefic planets such as Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Sun and Mars.
The afflicted or weak Venus can make you poverty-stricken. The native will face business loss, marital discord and career issues.
If the planet Venus is posted in the 12th house in exalted sign, it will bring extremely beneficial result. The 12th Venus is called Shukra yoga. It will bring money, wealth, knowledge and social standing etc.
If the planet Venus is own signed, exalted and gets aspected by auspicious planets, it will bring extremely good result.
Venus Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant
The Venus Mahadasha will bring phenomenal result as it owns ascendant (1st house) and 6th house. Although, it owns 6th house, it will bring good result as lagna lord. The planet Venus is considered to be a beneficial planet for the Taurus ascendant.
Hence, the native will get all kinds of luxury, love & romance, success in artistic and creative field. The person during Shukra Mahadasha is likely to develop indolence. The native will have huge wealth, luxurious cars, palatial building and attraction from opposite sex.
If the planet Venus is afflicted by malefic planets such as Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and inimical Mars, then the native will suffer a lot during Shukra Mahadasha. The health will get deteriorated and dynamism will no longer stick to you.
Venus Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant
The Shukra Mahadasha is a boon if you belong to Gemini ascendant. Although, it owns 12th house the house of expenses, it will not be harmful .The planet Venus is considered to be a beneficial planet for the native born with Gemini ascendant.
The native gets all sorts happiness during the Mahadasha of Venus. The person will have a romantic life. The married couple will be blessed with intelligent and healthy children.
The native will be successful in higher education. The person will get wealth, money, material success, funky apparels, knowledge and spiritual success etc.
If the planet Venus is debilitated, it will incur huge loss of money, loss of children, miscarriage, loss of education and the native is likely to have mental problem if the planet Venus is severely afflicted.
Venus Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant
The planet Venus is the lord of the 4TH house and 11th house in the birth chart. Hence, it is considered as a malefic planet for the native born with Cancer ascendant.
Although, it is a negative planet for the native born with Cancer ascendant, it will bring good result if it is posited in the beneficial house. Especially if the planet is posited in the exalted in Pisces, it will bring phenomenal growth in wealth, social status and worldly achievement.
If the planet Venus is debilitated in the Virgo and gets afflicted by malefic Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars, it will bring drastic failure in business, career, and profession. It can make the native poverty-stricken. The result will be extremely bad during Shukra Mahadasha. Hence, appropriate remedial measures should be taken by the help of knowledgeable astrologer.
Venus Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant
The planet Venus rules of over the 3rd and 10th house in the natal chart of the native. The 3rd house indicates courage, confidence, force, younger siblings and short journeys.
If the planet Venus is afflicted by malefic planet such as Mars, Saturn, Sun, Rahu and Ketu, then the native is likely to suffer a lot.
There will be dispute with the younger siblings. The career will be at a crossroad. The native will always remain in the fix. The person with afflicted Venus Mahadasha will suffer a lot. The native will be discouraged and tepid.
If the planet Venus is own signed, exalted and gets aspect of Jupiter, Moon and Mercury the native will be highly successful in his career. Especially, the native who is in the fashion world, hotel and hospitality, entertainment will craft a phenomenal career achievement.
Venus Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant
If you are born with Virgo ascendant and running through the Mahadasha of auspicious Venus, then you will touch high level of success during this Dasha.
The planet Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 9th house. Hence, it is an extremely beneficial planet for the native. The native will be rich, spiritual and will get high level of worldly achievement. The person will get good education, phenomenal career success, social status, beautiful life partner and luxury.
If Venus is in own sign or exalted, then the native will be an astrologer and will have interest in the occult studies. The person will have a lot of philosophical knowledge.
If the planet Venus is debilitated in the ascendant and has been afflicted by any malefic planet, the native will suffer a lot. The person will be ugly looking, loss of wealth and money, devoid of love and romance. The poverty will knock the door quite often.
Venus Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant
The planet Venus is the lord of ascendant and 8th house. Although, it owns 8th house in the birth chart, it is considered to be a beneficial planet. As an ascendant lord it brings outstanding achievement in life during the period of Shukra Mahadasha.
It makes the person handsome, intelligent, highly educated, consummate in all the activities, rich and prosperous. It brings social status, power, position and authority over others.
If the planet Venus is weak in the 2nd house and afflicted by malefic planet such as Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, it makes the life like a hell. The planet Venus must be made powerful by Vedic remedial measures.
The debilitated Venus can make the person ill, unromantic and fearful during the Mahadasha of Venus. During the period of Venus, the person will have a lot of fruitless travel.
Venus Mahadasha for Scorpio ascendant
If you belong to the Scorpio ascendant, then the planet Venus is not an auspicious planet for you. It will be more harmful when gets afflicted by negative planets. The planet Venus is the lord of the 7th and 12th house. Hence, the native will not expect spectacular result during the period of Venus.
The debilitated, afflicted and combusted Venus will bring infamy, financial loss, dispute between husband and wife and the native will also be devoid of glamour.
However, the Venus can be extremely beneficial if it is posited in own sign, exalted and conjoined with auspicious planets such as Jupiter, Mercury and Moon.
The powerful Venus can make the person rich, artistic, glamorous and materially successful. The native will get a lot of attention from opposite sex.
Venus Mahadasha for Sagittarius ascendant
The planet Venus rules the 6th and 11th house in the birth chart. Venus is considered to be a malefic planet for the Sagittarius ascendant. Hence, the Mahadasha will bring negative result during its administration period of 20 years.
However, the Venus will not be negative in all circumstances. The planet Venus can be even extremely beneficial if it is aspected by Jupiter, Mercury and Moon. It can also bring positive result when it is conjoined with auspicious planets.
The well-placed Venus will bring name, fame, money, wealth, luxury, career and business achievement. The Venus can also be helpful in crafting a career in creative field.
However, the ill-disposed planet Venus can be seriously harmful. Hence, it is extremely important that you should perform remedial measures as soon as the Dasha comes.
The Shukra Mahadasha can bring defamation, enmity, health issues, debts and loss of money during 20 years of its rule.
Venus Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant
If you are born with the Capricorn ascendant, the planet Venus is a boon for you. The planet Venus is considered to be the most beneficial planet for the Capricorn ascendant. The planet is a Raj Yoga Karak for this ascendant.
Hence, the native born with this ascendant will enjoy the life of a king. The person will get glory, high level of intelligence, knowledge, force, luxury, graceful and queenly wife etc.
The Mahadasha of Shukra will also bring money, wealth, cars, houses and success in the field of art and entertainment. The native will be blessed with beautiful and intelligent kids.
If the planet is debilitated and afflicted, then the native will get utter failure in the career, business and life in general.
The native will not get justice from opposite sex. There will be turmoil in the love and romance.
Venus Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant
The planet Venus is also an extremely beneficial planet for the native born with Aquarius ascendant. The Venus is also called Raj yoga Karak. Hence, the person will lead a king size life. The native will get name, fame, wealth, luxury, attention from opposite sex, knowledge and higher education.
Since it rules the 4th and 9th house, it will bring palatial building, trendy cars and ornaments etc. The person will have high level of friendship. The Venus Mahadasha will create many business opportunities for the native. There will be spiritual upliftment.
If the planet Venus is weak, it will bring defamation, loss of wealth, home, vehicles and ultimately the person might not get divine grace.
If you are born with Aquarius ascendant with weak Venus, then you should never forget to perform remedial measures.
Venus Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant
The native born with Pisces ascendant can have bad experience during the Mahadasha of Venus. It is especially harmful when the planet Venus is weak and afflicted.
The planet Venus rules over the 3rd and 8th house for the native. Hence, it is not an auspicious planet. The afflicted and combusted Venus can be extremely harmful. During the Mahadasha of Venus, it can make the person lazy, procrastinating, poor and uncultured.
The person is likely to suffer in the marital life. There could be ample of unwanted and unfruitful travel during the mahadasha of Venus.
However, there is a silver lining for you if the planet Venus is posited in the own sign or gets aspected by the beneficial planet. The well-placed Venus can be beneficial for the native.
Remedial measures for negative Venus Mahadasha
As we know the planet Venus is the significator of the art, entertainment, luxury, love and romance, it can be extremely detrimental to you if it is afflicted, weak and combusted.
Hence, it is extremely important that you should perform the remedial measures. I have given a list of remedies for Venus that can boost the power of Venus.
Use Diamond at least 50 cents with either silver or white gold in the middle finger on Friday of bright fortnight. Dip the Diamond ring either in the Ganga’s water or cow milk early in the morning. Then perform the rituals with the Shukra Mantra 108 times.
Mantra: Om Sham Sanaischaray Namah (108 times)
Use 6 faced rudraksha as a pendant.
Wear Shukra Yantra as pendant or keep it in the Puja place.
Use white sandal wood root in a Tabiz.
Venus in 8th house along with sun and Jupiter … Venus mahadasha is running for Capricorn ascendant sir .. what will be result ? Life full of problems
Hi Rajesh,
Generally, any planet in the 8th house does not bring good result. The planet Venus is the most important planet for the Capricorn ascendant which is in 8th house. Hence, it is not bringing good result. You can perform some remedial measures for planet Venus.
I am Pisces ascendant with venus in 11th house in Capricorn sign and Saturn in 9th house in Scorpio. I am currently undergoing Venus Mahadasha …please define it will be good or bad.
I have rahu-jupiter and moon in lagna.
Hi Naina,
Although any planet in the 11th house is good, Venus will bring good result. However, it is afflicted by Saturn. The other factors should be calculated to ensure its effect on you.
Sir Venus is in 2nd house(in LEO with Sun) for Cancer Ascendent. Also Venus Mahadasha going on. What is your prediction on this.
Hi Deeps
Generally, the Venus Mahadasha is not good for the Cancer ascendant. Especially so, when Venus is afflicted by malefic. The Venus and Sun is conjoined together which is bad. Hence, you should perform remedies for Venus.
What happens for Capricon ascendant and Venus in 2nd house?
Hi Shivdas
The planet Venus is a beneficial planet for Capricorn ascendant. The planet Venus is posited in the 2nd house. Hence, it will bring good result.
Venus in 2nd house along with Sun, Mercury, Ketu. Taurus ascendant.
What should be the remedial measures sir?
Dear Seyash,
Thanks a lot for asking about remedial measures. As I understand the planet Venus is the ascendant lord and hence it is the backbone of the chart. You should wear Diamond at least 1 carat or White Sapphire at least 4 carats with silver. Apart from this you can wear 6 faced Rudraksha and read Sri Suktam daily. It will enhance the power of Venus.