Scorpio Ascendant and Their Physical Appearance
The natives of Scorpio ascendants are well built individuals with wide shoulder blades. They are inherently strong individuals and have a strong physical resistance to many illnesses and diseases. They have square clear cut features with a square shaped face.

The eyes of the Scorpio ascendants have deep penetrative gaze and they are naturally attractive. They have a symmetrical nose and are endowed with sensuous lips. The texture of their hair is usually thick and it usually has a brownish tinge in its colour. They are physically charming individuals and exude power with a hint of secrecy at the same time. They also have a certain seriousness complementing their overall physical appearance.
Mental Tendencies of the Scorpio Rising Sign
Scorpio ascendants are endowed with analytical and critical minds and are very good at making plans and strategic execution of ideas. They take careful consideration of every minute detail of a situation and know exactly when to take action and how to execute their words by judging and analyzing all the facts and figures. They are not the reckless type and can patiently wait for the right opportunity. They have a strong affinity towards their intuition which is generally right most of the times.
When it comes to making friends they are very careful in their selection and do not make friends randomly. They are extremely selective to make friends only with intelligent and trustworthy individuals and once they are friends, their relationship can survive a lifetime. Their higher than average intelligence quotient may also draw them towards mysterious and occult studies and sciences.
Scorpio ascendants can be assertive at times and would be more inclined to try and be in control of a situation. Their need to be in control could border on aggression and seem tedious. Scorpio individuals are extremely driven individuals and can be aggressive when it comes to realizing their goals. It is not amiable if a Scorpio ascendant has disagreements.
It is tedious to come to a compromise with them. Their close friends are usually aware of this character of uncompromising resilience and usually come to terms with it. One thing is certain, a Scorpio ascendant can never be told what to do and they cannot be told about their daily affairs or professional duties. These individuals like to do things in their own rhythm. They are not in the herd mentality and do not mind being alone for what they believe in.
They are fiercely independent individuals who are not afraid to pay the price for their freedom. Scorpio ascendants are great with secrets. If anyone confides to them and they promise to keep it a secret, these ascendants take it to their graves. Natives of Scorpio ascendant are also mysterious beings, they are extremely private individuals and do not let others know much about their private affairs.
These ascendants also do not let their emotion overcome them, at least externally. They have the nerves to remain calm and composed in almost every kind of situation. They are masters of disguising and hiding their emotions in the hardest of times. Nevertheless Scorpio ascendant people are extremely vulnerable on the inside. Their loved ones may know this that inside the tough exterior is a vulnerable child. These ascendants can also be revengeful if they are wronged and are prone to angry outbursts if they are threatened.
Scorpio ascendants are sensitive individuals and any misunderstanding or small hindrances in relationships could deeply hurt them. However Scorpio individuals are inherently jealous when it comes to their relationships and this could adversely impact many of their relationships. Scorpio ascendants are also extremely self critical with a focussed passionate drive which could work both ways in the sense that they could either be extremely successful or devastating failure. They are also quite self destructive and have a bad temper which could be triggered at the smallest inconvenience. The Scorpio can be recognized by their intense and captivating personalities. Scorpio ascendants are also known to be people who do not settle down in life. They are too busy living life to their fullest. They can be the most dependable and loyal friends and at the same time they can also be the most hateful enemy.
Health of Scorpio Ascendants
Scorpio being a water sign is naturally inclined to rule over the reproductive and lymphatic systems. However, Water signs are extremely vulnerable to their surroundings, especially fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Natives of Scorpio ascendants are also susceptible to pick up negativity from others and be influences by it. They over think and have the tendency to blow things out of proportion. This will further lead to health issues for these ascendants. They usually have a slower metabolism and also suffer from indigestion.
These issues lead to problems such as cysts, tumours, swelling and Systemic Candida. Although Scorpio individuals are inherently strong and resistant individuals, their problem areas could be their large intestines and areas around their colon. They also suffer from indigestion most of their lives. The other area of concern for Scorpio ascendants is their reproductive organs. Scorpio ascendants are susceptible to STDs or sexually transmitted diseases.
Precautions for the Virgo Ascendant Sign
Scorpio ascendants can make significant changes in their physical health by following an active life style. They also need regular exercise to keep themselves fir and healthy. Natives of this ascendant also need to drink more water regularly and counter their digestion problems with a high fibre diet.
They also need to talk more about their issues and problems for a better and proper diagnosis of their health issues thereby preventing over thinking and self assessments of various ailments. Scorpio ascendants are prone to have numerous partners and to protect themselves from STDs and other problems related to their reproductive organs, the natives of this ascendant need to practice safe sex and practice regular hygiene and self care.
Finances for the Scorpio Ascendants
The finances of the Scorpio ascendants and the different alignments of the House influencing it are:
- Second House is in Sagittarius: This alignment influences the Scorpio ascendants to be giving and generous with their money. They are also not completely attached to their wealth. Scorpio ascendants are not obsessed with money making and they are satisfied with enough money to get them through their basic necessities.
Whenever their friends and families need financial help these ascendants are there for them. Since money making is not their prime objective, Scorpio ascendants do not mind taking big risks regarding their profession.
Natives of this ascendant are also long term thinkers when it comes to their finances. They might invest in long term schemes or projects for future benefits. They may also be favoured by lady luck from time to time regarding their finances. However, too much of risk taking could adversely impact their finances.
- Sixth House is in Aries: This placement of this House in Aries makes the Scorpio ascendants relentlessly hardworking individuals. As professionals they are extremely dedicated individuals and whatever project is given to them, the work is to fruition with complete dedication and confidence.
They may not work very well as a teammate because they are used to giving their hundred percent and they expect the same from everyone. Scorpio ascendants should also refrain from being critical and judgement while working with co-workers.
- Tenth House is in Leo: this alignment instils the leader in a Scorpio ascendant. These ascendants have excellent guiding abilities and are highly ambitious too. They are also attracted to vocations that demand authority and power. They feel happy when their work is appreciated and praised. They seek to be number one in their chosen field.
Natives of Scorpio ascendants could also come across as assertive and bossy in their workplace. Hence it better suited for them to practice their vocation alone. Scorpio ascendants are ideally suited as business men and women where they could work undisturbed and put their organizational skills to good use.
Love and Marriage for the Scorpio Ascendant
Scorpio Ascendant Man
A Scorpio ascendant man is the kind of lover who expects his partner to be entirely committed to himself. He is the kind of lover who would either expect his partner to give him a hundred percent in their relationship or nothing at all. He can be the most loyal and reliable partner in his relationship but at the same time he could be the most insecure and jealous too.
He looks for a partner who is willing to settle down with him for life. Cheating on Scorpio ascendants may not be easy because he could simply be intuitive about it and know when his partner is being unfaithful.
If he is wronged and cheated on in a relationship he could be extremely vindictive and will seek revenge until he has made his partner suffer, as much as he has suffered. He is however, quite lucky in relationships as his charm will always attract the opposite sex to him. He will not give in to a person easily and will make sure he gets in a relationship only with a person who is ready to settle down with him.
His jealousy could be tedious to his partner as he is the kind of lover who would not want his partner to have a good time with any other person except him. He himself would never consider even flirting with someone else if he has already been taken. He is usually a private person and does not talk about his feelings with everyone else.
Although he is a reserved man, women tend to be attracted to him due to his masculine charm and he may also take a long time to find the right partner to settle down with him. He will be involved in a lot of relationship before finding someone he deems perfect to settle down with.
As a lover he is willing to go to any length to keep his partner happy and satisfied. However, his partner will have a tough time coming to terms with his intense jealousy.
Scorpio ascendant man can also be intensely critical to his partner which could lead to annoyances in their relationship. He is ideally in search of a woman who is perfect and can live up to his standards of beauty and sensuality. He is attracted to women with a feminine appeal and someone who has a great and exquisite taste of things.
Scorpio Ascendant Woman
A Scorpio ascendant woman can be very temperamental and domineering as a partner. However no matter how determined she may be to make her relationship work, she tends to create disharmony herself.
She is a very sensual person and it can be an obstacle that she always tries to be the dominant one in the conversation, although her partner may only be looking for peace. The downside of a Scorpio ascendant woman is her short temper and arrogance. This is quite a turn off for her partner and could lead to a lonely life for the Scorpio ascendant woman.
Her ideal partner could be someone who has the reliability and stubbornness to be with her, even when she is being mean. She is an extremely passionate woman when it comes to her love affair, however in a partner she ideally looks for someone who is caring and nurturing as a lover.
She is usually very attractive to men which could lead to her being unpopular among women. However, her stubbornness to open herself up to her partner could lead to an early break up in her relationship.
As a partner she is very passionate and sensual and these traits make her even more attractive to her partner. She is however very careful and secretive about her weaknesses and only prefer to show her strengths and positive side to her partner.
Scorpio ascendant women are attracted to men who are grounded. She is also attracted to men who are wealthy and it is not because of money but the power associated with it. When she looks for a partner she also considers wisdom and spirituality as important characteristics and she looks for a deep intimate relationship with her partner.
She herself may be protective and sceptical about opening up to her partner, but she will love her partner more if he lets her in on all his secrets. She can also use her sensuality as a weapon and she can be obsessive when it comes to someone she loves. If she is being cheated on in her relationship she would never hesitate to take revenge accordingly and takes pleasure in it.
Ideal Match for the Scorpio Ascendants
The Scorpio ascendants are ideally suited with the following signs:
Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo.
Domestic Life of the Scorpio Ascendant
Scorpio ascendants do not believe much in traditional households or family life. They may have an inborn urge to break free from the constraints of life and look for complete freedom. Natives of these ascendants like to live life in their own terms and their restless nature further makes it harder for them to settle down at one place for long.
This inability to be at one place for a long time creates misunderstandings and troubles in their domestic life. These ascendants are loving and understand the problems of their family. They also appreciate the love they receive from their families. However they are not emotionally attached to their families or home. Scorpio ascendants dream of living alone and lead an interesting life and more often than not they settle away from home.
Professions for the Scorpio Ascendants
The ideal professions which could be beneficial for Scorpio ascendants are: Nurse, army, police, engineers or any other fields related to science and politics.
Lucky Days, Numbers and Colours for the Scorpio Ascendant
The lucky days for Scorpio ascendants are:
Tuesday and Thursday.
The Lucky Numbers include:
3, 4 and 9.
The Lucky Colours for Scorpio Ascendants are:
Yellow, Red and Orange.
Gemstone for Scorpio Ascendants
Although Coral is the lucky gemstone of the Scorpio ascendants, care should be taken to wear these under expert supervision.
I have a question you said my lucky stone is coral so since Iam a Scorpio female this would be the stone for me and can it be any size also with stone wise. I have my date of birth but I don’t know my exact time of birth since I cannot find my birth certificate without time can u still tell me which stones i should use and which are not good for me. As I was reading talked about Scorpio have digestitive issues and that I do how can I make that better.
Dear Baljit,
Your name suggests you are a male and you said I am Scorpio female. Maybe, you are asking for your family members. Please share your birth date. I will let you know your lucky stone.