Narendra Damodardas Modi a popular name among the people across the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a personality whom his enemies also accept and respect. Narendra Modi Horoscope is an outstandingly powerful horoscope that helped him to become the world’s most powerful leader.
Narendra Modi was born in a poor family who started his career as tea seller. However, the destiny has written some different story for him. This story of destiny will certainly keep Narendra Modi’s name and fame even after his eternal departure.
In this article, I am going to discuss about Narendra Modi horoscope and planetary position in the natal chart that has made Narendra Damodar Modi from a simple tea seller to Prime minister.
Narendra Modi Lagna Chart Analysis
Narendra Modi was born with Scorpio ascendant and Scorpio moon sign. The lord of ascendant is Mars which is posited in the ascendant along with 9th lord Moon creating a Raj yoga.
The ascendant lord Mars is in own sign, Narendra Modi is a born leader. He is extremely ambitious; believes in independence of thought and action, a decision maker, commanding, robust, courageous, forceful and workaholic.
Since the lord of 9th is conjoined with Mars, it has created Raj yoga that has given him power, position and authority. The lord of 10th or profession is Sun which is posited in the 11th house along with Mercury and Ketu. As there is Budhaditya Yoga in the natal chart in the 11th house, it has made him the Prime Minister of India, the world’s most populated democratic country.

Analysis of Raj yogas in the Narendra Modi Horoscope
The country’s most powerful prime minister Narendra Modi has some of the planetary Raj yogas and other influential yogas in his chart that has made him not only prime minister of India but also one of the most powerful leaders of the world.
Combination of Mars and Moon
It is very important to have Rajyoga in the birth chart to get phenomenal achievement in life. The Rajyoga in the birth chart helps the native to touch apex in the career, profession, business and politics.
The Narendra Modi Hororscope birth chart is equipped with many Rajyogas that has made him one of the most influential leaders in the world.
The prime minister Narendra Modi has taken birth in the Scorpion ascendant and the lord of the ascendant is posited in own sign that indicates good health, influential personality, independence of thought and action.
The conjunction of the planet Moon in the ascendant has made him more powerful. Although the planet Moon is debilitated, it has Neechbhanga Yoga in the birth chart by conjoining with own signed Mars.
The combination of Mars and Moon in the Lagna Kendra has made him a tough decision maker, commanding personality with powerful imagination. Ultimately it has made him untiring who can work hard day in and day out.
Gajakeshari Yoga in the Narendra Modi chart
You must be aware of the Gagakeshari Yoga in the birth chart. Many successful people have Gajakeshari yoga.
The Gajakeshari yoga is adored in almost all the classics like Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Brihat Jatakam, Phaaldeepika, Jatak Parijata and Saravali etc.
If you have Gajakeshari Yoga in the birth chart, it will bring name, fame, social status, gift of eloquence, money and gives ability to speak in the large assembles of the people.
In the Kundli of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Gagakeshari Yoga has given him outstanding achievement and made him an oratorical speaker despite being from a lower background.
How Gajakeshari Yoga happens
When the planet Moon and Jupiter remains in the Kendra from each other or makes any kinds of relation from Kendra, the Gajakeshari Yoga happens.
In Narendra Modi Horoscope the planet Moon is placed in the ascendant which is Kendra and the planet Jupiter is posited in the 4th house that has created Gajakeshari Yoga.
That is why; the political giant Narendra Modi is an oratorical speaker, knowledgeable and have great command over large assemblies of the people.
Ruchak Mahapurush Yoga
The prime minister Narendra Modi has Ruchak Mahapurush Yoga in his birth chart. When the planet Mars remains exalted or in own sign the Ruchak Mahapurush Yoga happens.
The person having Ruchak Mahapurush Yoga makes one courageous, forceful, commanding, vigorous and eager to take adventurous activities. The native having Ruchak Mahapurusha yoga makes the person handsome, beautiful eyebrows and a prominent face.
It makes the person slim and strong. These people are born with leadership quality. Generally, the native becomes a statesman and great respect towards elders. The native has a spiritual bent of mind and mostly the die in the proximity of a temple.
Parvat Yoga
The Parvat Yoga is one of the most important Yogas that Narendra Modi Horoscope chart possesses.
When the beneficial planet placed in the Kendra and the 6th and 8th house is occupied by auspicious planet only. The Parvat Yoag can also happen when the 6th and 8th house is vacant.
In the horoscope of prime minister Narendra Damodardas Modi the 6th and 8th house is vacant creating Parvat Yoga.
The Parvat Yoga makes the native rich and prosperous, illustrious, liberal, generous and gives oratorical ability. It makes the person a leader.
In his Kundli, the auspicious Jupiter, Moon and Venus are in the Kendra that has resulted Parvat Yoga.
Neechabhang Raj yoga
We all are aware of the Neecha Bhang Raja Yoga in the vedic astrology. The Neecha Bhang Raja yoga takes place when the debilitated planet gives good result to the native. The Neecha Bhang Raja yoga brings more beneficial result when the debilitated planet is running through its Mahadasha.
The Neecha Bhang Raja yoga brings the native the name, fame, social status, power, position and authority over the people.
In Narendra Modi Horoscope the planet Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. However, the lord of Scorpio is Mars that is posited in the own sign that denotes a clear Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.
Currently he is under the Mahadasha of Moon that will run till November 2021. The Moon Mahadasha started in November 2011 that made Narendra Modi a prime minister of a powerful democratic country.
Karmajiva yoga
The Karmajiva Yoga is an important yoga in the birth chart that brings prodigious success in the life of native. The Narendra Modi Horoscope has visibly Karmajiva yoga that has taken him to the apex in his political career.
The Karmajiva Yoga happens when the planet Mercury conjoins with 10th lord or Sun then Karmajiva yoga happens.
The other variation also says when the planet Venus posited in the 10th house from ascendant or Moon then this powerful yoga occurs.
The planet Mercury is conjoined with 10th lord Sun in the birth chart of prime minister Narendra Modi Horoscope.
Additionally, the planet Venus is posited in the 10th house in Leo from both ascendant and Moon that obviously denotes Karmajiva yoga.
Narendra Modi Dasha Analysis
Narendra Modi has been remaining in the political power for more than a decade. He first became the Chief Minister of the Gujarat in October 2001 during the Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Saturn.

Both the planets Venus and Saturn has got the auspicious aspect of Jupiter. The mutual aspect of the planet Jupiter and Saturn has created a Raja yoga that helped him to become Chief Minister of Gujarat during the Antardasha of Saturn.
He remained chief minister consecutively 3 times till May 2014.
The Venus Mahadasha ran till November 2005 that helped Narendra Modi to be the most influential Chief Minister in India. From November 2005 till November 2011 he remained under the Mahadasha of Sun that brought him power, position and authority.
Since the planet Sun is the lord of 10th house it gave him paramount power and dignity of high level.
From November 2011 Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat. He became the Prime minister of India in the month of May 2014 during the Mahadasha of Moon and Antardasha of Rahu that made him winner as the planet Rahu is posited in the 5th house of Jupiter.
The Mahadasha of Moon will run till November 2021 which is extremely good in terms of power position and authority.
He will be under the Mahadasha of Moon and Antardasha of Ketu during the period of election from February 2019 to September 2019. Hence, he will be again the Prime Minister of India.
Narendra Modi Political career Analysis
There are very rare numbers of people who can wins the million of heart to become a democratic leader.
Certainly, the hard work, service to the mankind and fate that can create such opportunities. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is one of the luckiest men who is undoubtedly one of the greatest leaders of the world.
There are many yogas and planetary position has made him the leader of the most powerful democratic country. The lord of the ascendant is Mars that is posited in the own sign, the lord of the 10th house that is posited in the 11th house, the combination of Moon and Mars, Gajakeshari yoga has made him a highly successful political leader in the world.
Great post sir.
I think Narendra Modiji became the Chief minister of Gujarat for the first time due to the combination of Venus & Saturn in 10th house of his D1 chart and after that he didn’t look back.He got one after another very good Mahadasha ,very lucky person.
Hi Narayan, thanks a lot for your comment. You are correct and I appreciate your opinion. Yes, PM Modi is a luckiest person as his destiny has constantly been helping him.
Apart from very good horoscope, Modiji is the biggest bhakt of maa Durga in this time. Which also give him power….
Hello sir I have combination of sun and mercury in 10th house also Ketu.sun is exalted with Aries astro sign.Is this karmjiva yog
sir plz replay for this comment
Hi Akshay
You don’t have Karma Jiva Yoga in the chart. We will discuss the same when you come to my office.