Leo Ascendant and Their Physical Appearance
Leo ascendants have a bigger countenance. Their faces are usually oval in shape and they have a yellow tint in their eyes. Their chin is quite noticeable and prominent.
They are tall or short when it comes to their physical stature. They are usually of average height and have a fit upper body. They are energetic and vigorous individuals physically.

Leo ascendants are conscious of their gait and physical appearance. They are highly in control of their outer self and appearance. Natives of this ascendant are keen on looking younger than they actually are and they are also endowed with a charming smile.
They are also big boned and although they may be of average height, they may have broad shoulders. The texture of their hair is usually shiny and luscious.
Mental Tendencies of the Leo Ascendants
Leo ascendants are highly adaptable and can survive in any situation or circumstance. They however need constant attention.
They enjoy being the centre of attraction and they are quite the attention grabbers which can be highly attributed to their inherent charm and fun loving personality. They can impressively change according to the people they are hanging out with.
They can be equally fun-loving and extroverts and can easily be docile and serious talkers in similar surroundings.
They are quite analytical and practical when it comes to tackling a situation and on the contrary they are also highly interested in art and literature. Leo ascendants enjoy a good read and keen on music, painting and poetry.
Leo ascendants can fall in the trap of being megalomaniacs at times but they are also very caring, liberal, warm, joyous and high spirited. They do not keep grudges against anyone and enjoy being on their own.
If anyone does them wrong they may feel resentment for a short while but it would not last much longer. They know how to forgive and keep their peace of mind.
They are also quite good in noticing the good qualities in others and appreciate it.
The natives of Leo ascendants are benevolent and whenever their close ones need them, they make sure to be available.
Kindness is etched in their character and whenever their friends or family are going through a hard time they will go out of their way to keep them happy and loved. They are great friends and companions in the long run.
The need for attention can also make Leo ascendants quite selfish at times, the need for constant admiration could be unnerving to people around them.
In any circle or group a Leo ascendant likes to be the one giving orders and instructions. They enjoy being the leader and do not like taking orders from others.
The Leo ascendant is also very confident and has a high self esteem. They are caring and are known to possess a loving heart. Their partners find them attractive and are drawn to their loyalty.
When it comes to their friends and family they always stick to them and are protective of their loved ones. They are also direct and honest when it comes to their opinion of things.
Their combined characteristics of loyalty and honesty make them ideal partners, if they feel they are not being appreciated or their efforts are not being honestly reciprocated, they may be outlandishly cold and unreceptive towards that individual.
Leos have the sense of self awareness and realize the awareness that they need to express themselves artistically or through any other medium to maintain a higher level of self esteem.
As time progresses and they mature they are bound to find different artistic and professional avenues to make themselves heard. Their primary goal and desire in life is to excel in any profession of their choice.
These natives either grow up to be confident and generous individuals or they become incessantly extravagant towards others which could actually be hiding a deep seated insecurity within them.
Health of Leo Ascendants
Leo ascendant natives are loyal and dedicated to any given work they commit to. However, this leads them to intensify their work schedules and they tend to overburden themselves with stress and exhaustion, thus the natives of this ascendant are prone to nervous breakdown and anxieties.
They are naturally prone to have delicate skin which could act up at the slightest of climatic or regional changes. Other important area of affliction for Leo ascendants is the heart, they should be aware of diseases such as occlusion of cardiac arteries by blood clot or a heart attack. Their nervous breakdown could also lead to palpitations of the heart.
They could also suffer from illnesses such as high fever, back pain, ling diseases, diseases related to the blood and convulsions. Natives of this ascendant should also be careful with areas in and around their eyes as it is a vulnerable area for them.
Precautions for the Leo Ascendant Sign
While it is a good characteristic to work hard, Leo ascendants need to manage their work schedule and leisure tie. They could learn to take the required breaks to avoid being overstressed and overworked.
A good diet plan and a regular practice of meditation could help in remarkably countering various nerve related illnesses.
Light and regular exercise is also highly beneficial for the heart related problems of Leo ascendants. They should consider eating healthier and green vegetables for problems related to eyesight.
They could benefit increasingly with food which promotes healthier blood flow and counter various diseases related to it.
Finances for the Leo Ascendants
The finances and career of the Leo ascendant is highly influenced by the alignment of different houses and signs, which are as follows:
- Virgo in the Second House: This alignment influences a Leo ascendant to be meticulous and orderly in financial matters. They pay attention to their minor expenses and have a mental sheet of all their petty expenses but this does not necessarily apply to all the bigger expenses for them.
Occasionally these natives are prone to spend money carelessly which could have negative repercussions. These natives need to check on their luxury expenses which could go unnoticed but could affect them negatively, later on.
Financial instability deeply affects a Leo ascendant to the extent that it could affect their physical health too. Keeping this aside, Leo ascendants are good at prioritizing their expenses and have the habit of documenting every expense incurred by them.
- Sixth House in Capricorn: This alignment adds the quality of discipline in a Leo ascendant’s work life. Natives of this ascendant are highly disciplined workers and enjoy their duties.
- They value the security of a stable job and will not make frequent job changes. These natives also do not do their work half heartedly. They either give their best at work or their profession or do not do it at all.
They do not have a casual approach to any job or profession. These natives are also not fussy about the means but are specifically interested in the end result of it. The sixth house in Capricorn also gives them a sense of responsibility to their health and not just their work.
- Tenth House in Taurus: This alignment influences these natives to earn more so that they can spend more on luxuries. Regardless of their financial status, Leo ascendants tend to be pompous and want to be seen as a person of wealth and significance.
- Leo ascendant natives are prone to flaunt their wealth even if they are not well off financially.
They are careful and judicious when it comes to choosing their profession and also find it increasingly difficult to get along with their co-workers. They usually face bad rapport from their colleagues due to their need for always being in charge.
Love and Marriage for the Leo Ascendant
Leo Ascendant Male
A Leo ascendant man has no qualms about being in a long term relationship and marriage. He is a committed lover but his constant attention seeking behaviour can be a tedious task for his partner.
If he is denied of attention and flattery in his relationship then he has the tendency to move on to another partner who provides him with the same. Ideally he would not make a great lover and he is incapable of taking the feelings of his partner into consideration.
At times he could be harsh unknowingly and end up hurting his partner.
A woman’s strength, her wealth and social status may attract him and he is drawn to them. However in a relationship he has to be the one who has more influence financially and socially and as a couple he wants more attention than his partner.
Although he has to be the better looking one in the relationship, he wants his partner to always look good and smart in public, so that he can be proud of his stellar partner. But he would not like a loud partner or the attention grabber, as this is entirely his forte.
There is a touch of royalty in the Leo ascendant man and his partner should also have an impeccable taste like him, so that both of them create the illusion that they are rich even if they are not.
A Leo man is quite uninhibited in his physical relationship and does not mind discussing it. He likes to boast about it as an ego boost.
His biggest turn-off is a hypocritical person. As a partner he can go to any lengths to get what he wants but on the contrary has an orthodox and controlling attitude towards their partner.
A Leo ascendant man can be highly demanding. He is however a loyal partner and will seldom deceive or cheat on his partner. He may act like a kid in the beginning but with time he is a loving and loyal husband.
Leo Ascendant Female
A Leo ascendant woman does not settle down with a man unless she thinks she has found her soul mate. She is inherently a strong woman and will not be carried away in love easily. In her relationship she has to be the leading lady.
Is she is not interested in someone she can be abrupt and awkwardly unreceptive. She as the desire to experience and live life to the fullest and this over powers her decision to settle down in life immediately.
She can never be with someone who hinders her passion and dreams and prefers a partner who helps her achieve her goals.
Minor love gestures are not of much significance to her. She expects grand gestures of love from her partner. She values her self-respect more than anything else and should be regularly complemented and cared for in a relationship.
Being around her is fun and she manages to keep the sensuality in her relationship no matter how long it is. The partners of these individuals would feel that they are with the perfect woman.
Mental connection is of utmost importance to her and her partner should be intelligent and good looking.
However a Leo Ascendant woman would always want to be the centre of attraction ad they would not be with a husband who does not have a good personality to complement her charm.
Ideal Match for the Leo Ascendants
The Leo ascendants are ideally suited with the following signs:
Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra and Aries.
Domestic Life of the Leo Ascendant
Leo ascendants are very loyal and protective when it comes to their family. They are very close and loving towards their family. They care for their parents and siblings. These ascendants also expect their family to treat them with love and respect.
They could easily be the dominating personality in their family and they always dream of having a luxurious and grand residence.
Professions for the Leo Ascendants
Leo ascendants are hugely drawn to artistic professions and would do well in areas of work such as beauty, fashion and decorations. Other avenues such as finance, luxuries and recreation could also be beneficial to them.
Lucky Days, Numbers and Colours for the Leo Ascendant
The lucky days for Leo ascendants are:
Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.
The Lucky Numbers include:
1, 5 and 9.
The Lucky Colours for Leo Ascendants are:
Golden, Orange, Yellow, Cream and Red.
Gemstone for Leo Ascendants
Ruby and Amber are the lucky stones for the Leo ascendant. However one should wear these only under the supervision of an expert.
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