Kaal Sarp Dosh is a deadly name in the astrological world that has been scaring almost everyone. The people leave no stone unturned to get rid of this fatal Dosha. The Kaal Sarp Yoga has a very bad effect on our life.
This inauspicious planetary conditions make the life troubled, stigmatic, unhappy, unstable, inimical and even impoverished.

Now, we will discuss all about this notorious Dosh that has ruined your married life, love and romance, career and wealth to a great extent. And you have been moving pillar to post to lead your life happily in vain. We will also discuss about remedies to get free from the negative influence of Rahu and Ketu.
What is Kaal Sarp Dosh
You have heard about Kaal Sarp Yoga and you might have experienced the bad effect out of it. However, you don’t know what is Kaal Sarp Dosha and how it happens. This nefarious Dosha has not been explained in any ancient astrological books such as Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Phaaldeepika, Sarvarth Chintamani and Brihat Jataka etc.
Most of the modern astrologers these days find its effect on the people’s life. Hence, remedial measures for Kaal Sarp dosh is inevitable. There are many auspicious places to perform Puja in our country.
Let me explain you in details what is Kaal Sarp Yoga and its effect and remedial measures as well. The kaal Sarp Yoga happens when all the 7 planets such as Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn including Lagna are placed in between Rahu and Ketu. It means all the planets including ascendant or Lagna is placed in the one side of the zodiac sign or within 180 degrees. Here is the example of Kaal Sarp Dosh.

General impact of Kaal Sarp Yoga
Kaal Saarp yoga is certainly a harmful Dosha that can seriously harm us. Different people will have different experiences according to the conditions of other planets. However, you might experience the following problem in your life if you are under the influence of this notorious Yoga.
- Your work will get delayed and you will develop a habit of procrastination
- Mental peace at its lowest level
- Loss of confidence and developing inferiority complex
- Chronic health issues
- Obstacles in job, profession, career or business
- Unwanted worries and anxieties
- Unhappy married life
- Secret enemies, robbery and deceits
- Non-cooperation from family and friends
Kaal Sarp Yoga can be both auspicious and inauspicious
We have already discussed the general impact of the Kaal Sarp Dosha. These are the negative traits that happens in one’s life. The problem with children, debts, chronic diseases, defamation, police case, lawsuits, robbery, enmity, matrimonial discord, loss of family members can be the effect of inasupsicious Kaal Sarp Yoga.
There are some good news too for the native born with Kaal Sarp Dosh. This nefarious planetary combination can’t harm always if you have powerful yogas or Rajyogas. Here, I am going to explain some powerful raj yogas that can neutralize the negative effect of the Kaal Sarp Dosh.
If you have two or more powerful Rajyogas in your birth chart, you will not be axed by the Kaal Sarp Yoga.
You will not get affected by this nefarious Dosha if Rahu and Ketu is aspected by the benefic planets (Subh Dristi).
If you have more than 2 or 3 planets exalted or own signed.
If your Lagna lord is in exaltation, 9th and 10th lord is in exaltation.
Celebrity Horoscope with kaal sarp Dosh
The planetary impact does affect everyone in a similar way. The king and a beggar do suffer by this malefic Rahu and Ketu.
So, it is nothing new that you have been only suffering due to Kal Sarp Dosh. The celebrities do suffer due to this harmful effect of the Rahu and Ketu.
There are many celebrities such as politicians, actors, sportsperson and business tycoons do suffer due to Kaal Sarp Dosha in the birth chart. The world famous people like Abraham Lincoln, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Dr. Radha Krishanan, Emperor Akbar, Ronald Reagan, Sachin Tendulkar, Dheeru Bhai Ambani and Smraat Harshwardhan did have the Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Types of Kaal Sarp Dosh
There are 12 different kinds of Kaal Sarp Yoga happens in the birth chart. Different position of Rahu and Ketu in the Kundli bring different result. I have explained all the position of Rahu and Ketu and its result.
1) Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh
The Antant kaal Sarp Dosh happens when the planet Rahu is posited in the Ascendant and Ketu is posited in the 7th house. The native needs to work hard to lead a successful life. The native suffers a lot in the professional career and education as well.
The mental agony and indifference towards family becomes the part of life. Such people are interested to enter in to gambling, lottery, stock market and quick money scheme. However, they face a lot of losses in these kinds of business and activities.
They become devoid of parental love. The police case and lawsuits becomes the part of the life in Anant Kaal Sarp Yoga.
2) Kulik Kaal Sarp Dosh
When the planet Rahu placed in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 8th house, the native gets Kulik Kaal sarp Dosh. The native gets victimized of defamation and scandal. The academics of the native become very slow. The person having Kulik Kaal Sarp Yoga experiences marital dispute.
Due to the financial crunch, the native suffers inharmonious conjugal life. The loss of business, devoid of children and deceits from friends becomes the part of life. The energy and courage gets degraded gradually. Though the native gets success due to hard work, he does not enjoy the fruits of his hard work.
3) Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh
If the planet Rahu is posited in the 3rd house and Ketu is posited in the 9th house, then the native has Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh. The natives gets inharmony with siblings. Also the native will have domestic problem. The health issues clings to the person having Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh.
The native gets dispute with political people. The litigation make the person impoverished. The person experiences a lot of losses not only in the business but also any kind professional career.
The native gets everything late in life. The person having Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh becomes more successful in the faraway places.
4) Shankpal Kaal Sarp Dosh
When the planet Rahu and Ketu remain in 4th and 10th house, the Shankpal Kaal Sarp Dosh occurs. The native gets problem relating to real estate, movable and immovable property and wealth. It becomes a hard nut to crack in the field of education. If the Moon is afflicted in the native’s natal chart, then the person will have imbalance mindset.
A lot of hindrances happens in the professional atmosphere. The horoscope does not become successful since he takes responsibility of many works at a time. However, despite ample of obstacles, the native becomes highly successful in life.
5) Padma Kaal Sarp Dosha
If the planet Rahu is posited in the 5th house and Ketu is posited in the 11th house, then the native will have Padma Kaal Sarp Dosh. The native having this nefarious Yoga will face problems in the field of education. However, the native becomes successful in the academics in course of time.
The native faces a lot of secret enemies. The native suffers from various diseases and spends a lot of money in the medical bills. The person remains pensive about the old age and sometimes he thinks to have an ascetic life. Though the life become hectic, the native will have immense wealth and prosperity.
6) Mahapadma kaal Sarpa Dosha
When the planet Rahu is posited in the 6th house and Ketu is posited in the 12th house, the native will have Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Yoga. The person having this Kaal Sarp Dosh will have a lot problem relating to domestic life. The native travels a lot due to business purposes.
The person having this Yoga gets victory over the enemies. The native become characterless. The old age becomes very difficult. He is deceived by his own people. Despite a lot of problems in the life, the native becomes successful as a politician, public speaker and lawyer.
7) Takshak Kaal Sarp Dosh
The Takshak Kaal Sarp Dosh takes place, the planet Ketu and Rahu are placed in the Lagna and in the 7th house. The native with Takshak Kaal Sarp Yoga does not get the ancestral property. If he gets, the property gets spoiled. Such people are unsuccessful in the love and romance.
The native does not get love from the members of the family. The native develops the habit of getting involved in lottery, gambles and share markets etc. The person does not get happiness from the children. The native does not get refunded, if help others. The native can be successful, if he thinks not only his own welfare but also others welfare.
8) Karkotak kaal Sarp Dosh
If the planet Ketu is posited in the 2nd house and Rahu is posited in the 8th house, the native gets Karkoak Kaal Sarp Dosh. The native finds it very difficult to succeed in life. The fate and fortune does not support the person having Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yoga in the chart.
The person suffers from both mental and physical wellbeing. The native remains fearful about the success, enemy and conspiracy. The native gets in trouble due to irritable nature and outspoken character. Despite hard work the person does not get relevant success.
9) Shankachood Kaal Sarp Dosha
The Shankhchood Kaal Sarp Dosh takes place when the planet Ketu is posited in the 3rd house and Rahu is posited in the 9th house in the birth chart. The person gets difficulty in shaping the fate and future.
The horoscope faces a lot of problem in life starting from education, job, career and business. The native creates his own problem and also the native tries to take the property and wealth of the other members of the family. Due to selfish attitude the person faces a lot of political problems and litigation.

10) Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosha
If the planet Ketu is posited in the 4th house and Rahu is posited in the 10th house, the person suffers due to Ghatak kaal Sarp Dosha. The person born with Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosha can get rid of the problem, if he serves his own mother. He never becomes happy and satisfactory despite huge success in life.
The government officials become inimical. The native does not get success in the partnership business. The person with job gets suspended and does not get increment and promotion easily. However, the native becomes very rich in life.
11) Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosha
When the planet Ketu is placed in the 5th house and Rahu is posited in the 11th house the native suffers due to Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh. The person having this nefarious Yoga gets loss of memory. It becomes very difficult to get higher education. Despite a lot of ancestral property the native gets a lot problem in life.
The dispute happens with the elderly members of the family like paternal uncle and aunt. There is a strong possibility of having dispute with elder brother. He gets a lot problem relating to property and wealth in life. There remains some problem relating to children.
12) Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosha
If the planet Ketu is posited in the 6th house and Rahu is posited in the 12th house, then the native will have Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosha. The native gets everything late in life. The person born with Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh suffers from both mental and physical health.
The native finds it very difficult to repay the loans. The person works hard to repay the loans. Of course, the native gets a good time at least once in life. Even the native gets posthumous prestige. However, the person very rarely gets rid of defamation and scandal.
Some proven Remedies for the neutralization Kaal Sarp Dosh
There are many kinds of Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran according to scriptures. Generally, these Kaal Sarp Santi Dosh do happen in the enlightened places (Siddha places) like Kalahashti and Trimbakeshwar in Nashik.
Naga Dosh Nivaran Puja is one of the most popular puja which is done in many famous spiritual places. It is very important to find a wise pandit to perform Naga Dosh Nivaran Puja to nullify the negative impact of Kaal Sarp effect.
You can chant certain Mantras to neutralize the negative influences of the Kaal Sarp Yoga in the Kundli. The Mantras are Shree Sarp Sukt, Sarp Mantra, Vishnu Panchakshari Mantra and Maha Mrityunjay Mantra.
You can also visit Rameshwaram temple to take a dip in the holy river.
You should never hurt or kill any snake, serpentines and reptiles etc. You might have been suffering due to your ancestors who killed the snake and reptiles.
You can also wear Gomed and Cat’s eye to get rid of Kaal Sarp Yoga. However, you should consult a wise astrologer before wearing this stone.
Offer oblation to your ancestor and pray them to neutralize the Pitra Dosh and Pitri Dosh that might be worsening the Kaal Sarp effect.
At the end good deeds can save you to a great extent.
This is a very serious astrological dosha in life and may ruin your life. So proper precautions, astrological advice should take in time not to get affected with this Dosha.
Hi Manoranjan
my dob is as follows
11 th ,september ,1975
1020 pm
place of birth,is Singapore,
may i inquire wat kind of kaal sarp dosh do i have and wat remedy is best for me, thank you.
Bst Rgds
Hi Anil, you don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh. So nothing to be worried and no remedial measures are required for Kaal Sarp Shanti.
thank you Manoranjan,
that is a great relief for me to know this fact,i really salute you kindness in helping me, much appreciated ,if 1 day i were to come to India, it will be an honour to meet you in person,Once again thank you,God bless
Yours Sincerely
Hi Manoranjan,
DOB is 19-10-1980
place: Kanpur UP,
TIME 22:45 (10:45 PM) IST
G: Female
Do i have kal sarp dosh ? i have come to believe I have partial dosh, is partial dosh a reality or myth ? pls guide me and advise me as to what remedial measures I should do.
Thank you,
Hi Vijaya, you have neither Kaal Sarp Dosh nor partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. You don’t need to spend money for performing Kaal Sarp pacification.
Hi Manoranjan
Apreciate your information on Kaal Sarpa Dosh.
DOB- 2nd July 1962
Place- Mumbai
Time- 9.35 AM
Gender- Male
Please let me know if I have Kaal Sarpa Dosh and if so which one out of the 12 types
Thanks in advance
Hi Praveen Chandra, you don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh as you have Venus with Rahu and Ketu with Saturn. Venus is in 24 degree and Saturn is in 16 degree which are beyond the arch of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu is in 15 degree. However, some might say partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. My suggestion is to ignore that.
My Name is Ankit Garg born on 3-dec-1981 at 5:02 AM Male place Meerut U.P
Do i have kal sarp dosh ? And what are its remedies
Hi Ankit, Don’t worry, you don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh. No remedy required.
Thanks Manoranjan for your kind reply
However as I got checked my kundli all my planets are between Rahul & Ketu which forms the Kaal sharp Yog
Please suggest
Hi Ankit, How did you check? I have two world class software like Parashar Light and Leostar. I checked your birth chart with this software, there is no indication of Kaal Sarp Dosh. However, I checked with http://www.astrosage.com that says little effect of Kaal Sarp Dosh. I am of opinion it is not Kaal Sarp Dosh as the planet Moon and Venus is conjoined with Ketu. Kaal Sarp Yog happens when all the planets are within the arch of Rahu and Ketu. There should be no planet with Rahu and Ketu. However, in your case the Ketu is conjoined with Moon and Venus. Hence, I am standpoint that you don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh. I have sent your birth chart to your mailbox.
Do I Have kala Sharp Dosh (Shesnag Dosha)
I am a female 20 yrs
Born Colombo, Srilanka-7/2/1997 @ 00:45
what are the remedies?
What temples to visit in india?
Thanks for the advise
Hi Jessica, you don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh. Don’t need to worry. Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple is the most famous temple in India for the Puja and pacificatin of Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Hi manorajan Ji
My name is shailendra sharma. My Dob is 09/09/77 . Time is 1:30 pm and birth place is shilong India. Do I have kaal sarp dosh? Please let me know what type of dosh I have and its remedies as well.
Hi Shailendra, you don’t have kaal Sarp Dosh as you belong to Dhanu Lagna. The Lagna occupies in one half of the Rahu and Ketu. And the other half is occupied by all the planets. The Kaal Sarp Dosh only happens when one half of the Rahu and Ketu remains totally vacant.However, some astrologer might tell you that you have Kaal Sarp Dosh. You should ignore this opinion.
Namaskar sir, my name is prerna. Dob 13 nov 1991 at 22.31 pm jamshedpur. Sir, when will i get married and what will he be like as in profession and how close to my city?
My birth date 08/02/1998 time 12:15 pm so kal sarp dose in my life ?
Hi kaushik, what is your place of birth?
Hi Sir, my date of birth is 05-11-1989, 10:15 pm Asansol west Bengal. Do I have a Kalsarpdosh?
Hi Arpan, I have thoroughly checked your birth chart. You don’t have kaal Sarp Dosh. No worries.
Sir, my dob 30.11.1981, 6.47am.
Place – thanjavur ( Tamil NAD). Mostly here are confusing me about sarpa dosha. Please clear my doubt. I’m facing obstacles in getting permanent job. Thank you
Hi Solaimalai, you don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh. But, partial effect of Kaal Sarp Dosh. Chant Rahu Mantra every day 108 times. Also chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra so as to get relief from Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Hi sir,
My name is kamal my DOB is 31-7-1978
Time 20:22,place of birth palwal (Haryana)
Pls tell me do I have kaal sarp dish in my Kindle if yes what are the remedies
Hi Kamal, you have a Kaal Sarp Dosh but that is not that much effective. Chant Rahu Mantra 108 times daily at home.
My date of birth is 19.7.93 at 5.35 am in kolkata wb. An astroliger said that i have padma kalsarp yog. I want to be sure about it and if so then what to do to get married soon . I have also given puja at nasik.
Hi Rupu, you have no Kaal Sarp Dosh in your chart. The astrologer said you wrong. However, doing Puja in Nasik is not harmful.
Hi sir,
Name: Nandish.n
DOB: 10-Dec-1986,
Time : 10:30 AM
Place of Birth : Hosur, Tamilnadu, India
Sir Can you please check and inform us whether any kaal sarp dosha is their in my birth chart
and if their what is the remedy
Iam waiting for your response
Hi Nandish.N
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosha in your chart as the planet Moon is posited with Rahu. Perform Naga Dosh Nivaran Puja in a temple. trimbakeshwar temple in Nashik in Maharashtra is a famous place where the people from around the world perform puja for Kaal Sarp Dosh. You can get performed in trimbakeshwar or you may find a famous Shiva temple in your locality.
You can also chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra everyday. Visit Rameshwaram and take dip in the holy river.
Hi sir, Namaste
My son Hariharan was born on 17.11.1982, 11.55pm(GMT 0800) in seremban Malaysia. He is showing many signs similar to that of kalsarp yoga. Please check and confirm. Many thanks
Hi Jaya,
Hariharan has Kaal Sarp Dosh on his birth chart. However, it has partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. Apart from this, the lord of the ascendant (Lagna Lord) moon is weak. The ascendant (Lagna) is highly afflicted by inauspicious Saturn and Rahu and Mars. Hence, his signs are visible.
Hi sir, if my son Hariharan does have kalsarp dosh please suggest parikars that can be done. Thanks
Hi Jaya
Get Kaal Sarp Dosh performed by wise Pandit ji.
Namaste Sir,
My DOB is 27th May 1977 @ 5.58 AM
Location – Trichur, Kerala.
I have been advised to perform kala-sarpa shanti pooja every year by an astrologer.
I usually do it at Triambakeshwar temple, Nasik.
Kindly advice the extend of dosha I have & whether I have pitru-dosha in my horoscope, and remedies for it. Since I am struggling in business.
Hi Manoj
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. Performing puja in Nashik is good to get rid of malefic effect of Rahu and Ketu. There is Pitru Dosha since Sun is posited in the ascendant with Jupiter.
Hi Manoranjan.
You have quite an impressive website. You really have an exceptional comprehension of Vedic astrology and you are doing a brilliant job in explaining everything.
I was told by an astrologer that I have Pitra and Mahapadam Kaal sarp dosh and it is detrimental and that I need to do pooja’s as fast as possible in order to mollify the effects. Can you confirm this? Also, do I have the pancha mahapurusha yoga “hamsa yoga?”
21st August 1998.
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Thank you and great work on your explanation of Kaal sarp dosh. Keep up the fantastic work.
Hi Dwayne
Thanks for your inspiring and positive feedback.You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. You can perform a Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja. Yes, you do have Panch Mahapurush yoga (Hamsa Yoga)
Hi Manoranjan.
Thank you for taking the time to analyze my chart and provide an answer. But do I have pitra dosh as well? and any other special/rare combination or aspect?
Also which in your personal opinion is the best place to perform poojas for Pitra and Kaal Sarp dosh? My astrologer is suggesting Bagalamukhi and ram ghat temple in Ujjain? Is this the best place to do it? And the total amount is coming to about 2.5-3 lakhs inclusive of hotel stay and transportation but exclusive of flight tickets.
Hi Dwayne,
It is not mandatory to perform Puja in Ram Ghat temple in Ujjain. Apart from Bagalamukhi puja, there are many different ways to get rid of Kaal Sarp Dosh and Pitra Dosh. You can also visit Trimbakeshwar temple in Nashik. It is a very popular place for puja to neutralize negative effect of Kaal Sarp Dosh and Pitra Dosh. In fact Bagalamukhi puja is an expensive puja and very difficult. Not all the Pundits can perform. You can contact Trimbakeshwar temple online. However, you may find it expensive. There are Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja and Pitra Dosh Puja that happens for the mass people that can be cheaper for you.
Hi Dwayne
You do have Pitra Dosh in the birth chart.
Hi Manoranjan,
I want to know how to get rid of Kal sarp dosh for my husband. His name is Ravinder Sharma and his dob is 27th Aug 1982 @ 0430hrs in Delhi. Nothing is working out on the job front for him and there is a lot of mental stress because of this. Can you pls help?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Hi Divya
Tell your husband to chant Shiv Panchakshari Mantra 108 times daily. Mantra: Om Namah Shivay. Perform Maha Mrityunjay Mantra by the help of wise Pandits. Visit Nashik to perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti. You can also ask your local pandits to perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti in the nearest temple. Offer water to the Peepal tree on Saturday.
Hi Sir,
Thank you and great work on your explanation of Kaal sarp dosh. My name is Chandrani and My date of birth 24-02-1985 and place Bankura, West Bengal, & time :7:15 AM. I was told by an astrologer that I have Kaal sarp dosh & mangolic dosh those badly effects my career and marrige life….
I shall be highly grateful if you kindly check and confirm about all types of dosh in my horoscope and suggests some remedy
Thanking you
Hi Chandrani
The astrologer has predicted correctly. You both have Kaal Sarp Dosh and Mangal Dosh. However, Mangal Dosh is not that dangerous as the planet Mars is posited in the ascendant along with Moon.
Name:Mohini Singh
Place of birth:Mumbai
Hi Mohini
You have asked your queries. However, I have checked your chart and there is no Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Hi sir,
My Son’s DOB: 30-May-2014, Time : 3:13 pm, Place of Birth : Satara, Maharashtra, India
My DOB: 25-Jul-1982, Time : 8:10 am, Place of Birth : Vikhroli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Wife DOB: 16-Feb-1985, Time : 1:15 am, Place of Birth : Satara, Maharashtra, India
Please check and confirm kaal sarp dosha and the type of dosha.
Hi Deepak
I don’t see any Kaal Sarp Dosh in your son’s chart and your chart. However, some astrologers might say it as partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. However, your wife has Mahapadma kaal Sarpa Dosha. You can have Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti. You can get the Kaal Sarp Dosh pariharam done together.
Dear Manoranjan Sir,
My DOB is 05-05-1979 @ 10am
Place of birth is Kluang Paloh Malaysia
Did i have a Kala sarpha dosha?
If i have this dosha can i perform pariharam in Kalahastee Temple?
Please advise me Sir
Hi Selvakumar
There is no Kaal Sarp Dosh in the birth chart. You don’t need to be worried.
Hello sir
My name is Prakash Suresh Dewani, Date of birth is 10th Feb 1985 and time is 00:10 am . Sir do i have kal sarp dosh, please guide
Thanks and regards
Hi Prakasha
You have not shared your place of birth. It is essential to know the place to calculate Kaal Sarp Dosh.
My daughter Swati born on 06 Nov 1995 at 0505 hrs(am) at Bhiwani Haryana. I have been told that she is manglik and afflicted by kaalsarp you and she will be unlucky in her ventures. Kindly guide on the course to be adopted.
Hi Joginder
There is no Kaal Sarp Dosh in the birth chart. The position of Rahu and Ketu is not free from other planets like Sun, Mercury and Moon. The Lagna is outside of the arch of the Rahu and Ketu. Hence, some astrologers say it as partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. You can perform a Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Nashik. You can also ask your local wise Pandits who can guide you to have Kaal Sarp Dosh puja in your locality. There is no Mangalik Dosh in the chart.
Thanks a lot sir
My name is Veena
Father;s name is Mr, Naresh kumar
Mother’s NAme is Mrs, Chanchal..
DOB :- Sept 14th 1987.
Place of birth , North east delhi.
Time 04:00 AM (dont have exact tie but it is near by 04:00am or exact 04:00 am)
Most of the time i see snakes, Ganga, in my dream or travelling to temple always i saw gangaji when i see this travel.. after chq my kundly clz reply me back
I am in problem after being intelligent girl.. now i become hyper depression patient.
I also get completed 1.25 lakhs kalsarp dosh chant with priest, . I used to put shivratri fast but always befor pooja something got wrong. .. plz help me with exact information
Hi Veena
I don’t see Kaal Sarp Dosh.The only thing is that the brain lord Mars and Lagna lord Moon is afflicted by Saturn. You just wear White Pearl at least 4 carats. You can also use Red Coral at least 7 carats.
Hi Veena
I don’t see any Kaal Sarp Dosh in your chart. The problem is that your 5th lord or brain lord Mars has been afflicted by Saturn. The moon is also afflicted by Saturn. That is why, you have depression. There is nothing wrong or harmful for dreaming such things. Wear white pearl at least 5 carats with silver on Monday. It will help you to get relax.
Hi, i am born on 1st April 1986 at 10.15am. Place of birth is jorhat , Assam.. Can you please tell me what kind of kaal sharpa dosha i have.
Hi Pinky,
You have Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosha in your chart. However, it will not be that effective as the planet Rahu is posited along with Venus. We can say it partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. However, I suggest you get Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti done.
Hello Sir,
I have Kaal sharp Dosha and performed its Pooja as well but not in Triambekeshwar. My Dob is 04 March 1986
Time : 4:40 am, place , Bhilai
Please let me know a mantra to nullify its remaining effect.
Hi Zamy,
Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra 108 times everyday. You will get rid of the remaining effect of the Kaal Sarp Dosh.
hi sir,
i have a doubt about my daughter birth time. can u please check what kind of kaalsarp dosh she have. her details:
ernakulam dist
Hi Jimmy
I have checked the natal chart of your daughter.
She has Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Can you please give me all details about my daughter elzeba’s doshas and also please give what are the remedies for this. If you don’t mind please send it my mail id.
Thank you
Sir; My name is Vasant
D.o.B- 18:01:1990
Time- 1:00Am approx (ie . 19/01/1990 as per English calendar)
Place of birth : Udupi dist Karnataka
Sir do I have kal sarp dosh
please help..
Thanks in advance
Hi Vasant
I checked your birth chart. You don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Hello sir,
I have been told I have kaal sarpa dosham and I need to wear a ring with three stones – Pukharaj, Gomed and Cats eye. Your opinion please sir
Name : Hema Vaneeswari C
Dob : 27. 04.1985
Place of birth : Chennai
Time : 11.35 pm.
Hi Hema
First of all, you don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh in your birth chart. Hence, you should not be worried about it. However, the planet Jupiter is posited in debilitation. So, wearing Yellow Sapphire will be highly beneficial.
Hello, You are doing a great work by helping the people. Really appreciate it.
I wanted to ask you 2 questions :-
a) does kal sarp pooja needs to be repeated every few years? does it effect go down?
b) does pitru dosj pooja needs to be repeated every few years? does it effect go down?
I did kal sarp pooja once 10 years ago then again 7 years ago and pitru dosj pooja 3 years. I really benefited from it. However recently things are going crazy again so would need your advise.
Hi Monish,
It is better to repeat occasionally both Kaal Sarp Dosh and Pitra Dosh. You can even perform every year but again depends upon your budget.
Hlo sir,
My name is arashdeep kaur
Do i have kaal sarp dosh
Sir my birth place is hoshiarpur
Hi Arashdeep,
No worries, you are free from Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Thank you sir
i hhave checked to a astrologer he said i dont have that dosha…but the website is saying i have…..my name is trissa datta and my dob is 04-04-2000 and time is 07.05am…sir i want to know
Hi Trissa,
Please share your place of birth.
Hello sir,
My dob is 01-may-1987, time is 6:32 am and place of birth is Keonjhar, Odisha. I was told that i have ardh kal sarp dosh and i am manglik as well. I am confused as no one has ever mentioned the kal sarp dosh before. Could you please tell me if I really have ardh kal sarp dosh.
Hi Arun,
I have checked your horoscope. I found no Kaal Sarp Dosh in your birth chart.
Thank you sir
hey hi manoranjan,
my name :ashwin singh
date of birth: 11th march 1996
time: 01:05 am
place :jaunpur Uttarpradesh.
pandit say i m manglik as mangal is in 4th house and i have kalsharp dosh bcoz i have rahu in 11th house and ketu in 5th house.but astrology site says i dont have kalsharp dosh.
so confused ..little please help .and give remedy about puja.
If i have any do it is very important to visit trimbakshewar or ujjain….cant i perform this puja in shiv temple valkeshwar mumbai.
Hi Ashwini,
You have neither Kaal Sarp Dosh nor Mangal Dosh. No need to worry.
Hello sir,
Looks like my husband has kala sara dosham and we don’t have a good relation.
TOB:5:30 am.
Can you please tell me remedies.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Padma
What is his place of birth?
Hello sir,
My daughter born kaal sarp yoga DoB 22-12-2017 time 2:44 a.m. in Faridabad and I have done pooja in Nasik. Sir I want your opinion on this?
Hi Shubhangi,
Extremely sorry for replying late. You lovely baby has partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. Great that you have performed the Puja in Nashik.
Female born on 14-07-1983, 11:02 am, Rourkela, odisha
do i have kala sarpa? as when i check astrosage it says no but some astrologer has suggested kala sarpa as i face job issues .
You have partial and little effective Kaal Sarp Dosh.Get Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja done.
I’m surojit Paul.dob -10,4,1984.born seerampore,West Bengal.i have kalsorpo dosh pleases sir say.
Hi Surojit
Please share your time of birth so that I can ensure if you have Kaal Sarp Dosh.
sir I am arpita Paul. Dob_4,11,1986.Kolkata11-05am.do I have kalsorpo dosh.
Hey Arpita, You don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh. Nothing to be worried.
My daughter’s name-nomika Bhardwaj. Date of birth-16/09/2018..place of birth is Gurgaon..please tell if she has Kaal sarp dosh and gand mool dosha..pandits are saying that both doshas are present and Pooja must be done..please guide.
Hi Nisha
What is the time of birth of your lovely daughter.
Dear Pandit Ji
Request you to confirm if Kaal Sharp Dosh is present in my chart. What Type and remedy.
15/04/1976 02:40 am Kolkata (Thursday)
Hi Bumba, you have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh in your chart. This is Vishadhar Kaal Sarp Dosh. You can get Kaal Sarp Dosh puja performed by any wise local Pandit Ji or you may get it done in the place like Traimbakshwar temple, Kalahasti or Rameshwaram etc.
Hello sir ,my daughter moksha dob 2 nov 2018 , 21.46 pm does she have kala sarpa dosha please tell
Hi Joshna
You have not shared her place of birth to compute if Kaal Sarp Dosh is there.
My DOB is 24.5.79 time 10.15 a.m. place kanpur
Do I have Kaal Sarp Dosh?
Hi Aman,
You Kaal Sarp dosh in your chart. Also you have Shrapit Dosh in your chart as Shani and Rahu is posited in the 2nd house. You can go through my article about sharpit Dosh here.
MY DOB 3rd June 1976 time 7:55 place new delhi
I have been told , I have Kaal sarp dosh. I want to know how long will this dosh stay in my life. Please Guide.
Hi Ritika
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. It will not be that dangerous. However, it can affect you when you have a bad time off and on.
Hi, Can you please let us know if kaal sarp dosha is present in my husband chart
dob – 2nd july 1978
time of birth – 1:18AM
birth place – new delhi
Hi Meenu,
Yes, your husband do have Kaal Sarp Dosh. It is called Mahapadma kaal Sarpa Dosha as Rahu is placed in the 6th and Ketu is placed in the 12th in his birth chart.
Hello Manoranjan,
My DOB is 2nd November,1981
Place: Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra
TIME 1:11 a.m. IST
Gender: Female
I think I have kaalsarp dosh but I am not sure about it. Could you please check and tell if I really have this dosha and what remedies do I need to perform.
Dear Reena,
Yes, your natal chart denotes you have Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh. You can get a Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti performed by wise priests. You can simply visit Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple and get Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja done by priests. You can also chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra and Vishnu Panchakshari Mantra every morning.
Hi Manoranjan,
My DOB is 10/Feb/1986.
Place – Ranchi, Jharkhand
Time: 5:10pm
Do I have kaal sarp dosh and if yes what type. Also suggest remedies if any.
Dear Buchu,
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. You can get rid of this Dosh by chanting one of these Mantras. These are Shree Sarp Sukt, Sarp Mantra, Vishnu Panchakshari Mantra and Maha Mrityunjay Mantra. Apart from this, you can get Kaal Sarp Dosh shanti done either in Trimbakeshwar in Nasik or Kalahasti.
Hi sir,
I have been told to perform puja at Triambkeshwar dham as i have anshkalik sarpdosh. I think I have too many doshas.
Do I need to go nashik and perform puja?
Date- 4/10/91
Time- 14:16
Place- Gaya (Bihar)
Hi Shikha,
No worries, you have neither Kaal Sarp Dosh nor any harmful Dosha in your chart. Your astrologer has made a mistake. Kindly get it rechecked.
Hello Manoranjan,
My DOB is 29 June 1998
Place: Thane, India
TIME 7:20 pm
Gender: Female
is Kaal Saarp Dosh present in my kundli?
Will my married and career life be happy?
Hi Sonali,
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. However, it will have no negative impact on you. No worries.
Hi Manoranjan ji,
Sunil Syan
Plz guide inregards to Kaal sarp dosh, Gandmool dosh.
Some astrologers said put silver ring, Steel ring. What is good for me panna, pearl ring or Pukhraaj.
Dear Sunil,
You don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh. You have Gandool Dosh as you are born with Revati Nakshatra and your Nakshatra Lord is Mercury. Hence, you can get Gandmoon Dosh Shanti done by a veteran priest. The Pukharaj is by far the best suitable stone for you.
Namaste Manoranjanji,
My name is Yogeshwar Sharma
DOB is 18-08-1983
Place of Birth North Delhi, India
Time of Birth 07.30. AM
Does I have kaal sarp as I am suffering from the problems mentioned in Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Dear Yogeshwar,
Thanks a lot for asking. You don’t have Kaal Sarp Dosh in your chart. Your problem is due to other planetary position that needs to be checked.
Hi Manoranjan
I am 18/03/1978
Place of birth : Khurja UP
Time 5:10 am.
Do I need to worry about Kal Sarp Dosh?
Dear Atul,
You should not be worried about Kaal Sarp Dosh as Sun, Mercury and Venus have conjoined with Ketu. Hence, it has little to no negative effect on you. Still, worried? Get a Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti puja although it is a little expensive.
My name is Madhu,
DOB 10.12.79
time 14:55,
place: Shillong
I am told I have Kaal Sarp dosh and will be performing Nag puja tomorrow as well as Rahu Ketu jaap this week. What can I do on a daily basis to negate the effects?
Dear Madhu,
You have Kaal Sarp Dosh in your chart. Performing Puja and subsequent chanting for Kaal Sarp Dosh on Naag Panchami will certainly negate the negative impact of the Dosh. You should chant Mantra for Rahu and Ketu every day to neutralize the negative influence of the Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Thankyou so much for confirming Manoranjan. Does my husband also have the dosh?
Name: Veer
DOB: 17.07.78
Time: 14:45
Place: Jamnagar
Hi Madhu,
Your husband does not have Kaal Sarp Dosh. He has Kemdrum dosh in his chart due to debilitated Moon in Scorpio and Moon does have any planets on both sides. Please go through my article on Kemdrum Dosh and its remedies.
Hi sir,
Name: Athira
DOB: 22/01/1985
Time:2.58 am
Place :Anchal,kollam district,Kerala.
Do I have Kaal sarpa dosha?
Dear Athi,
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. It will not be that harmful as the planet Jupiter has got aspect on Rahu
Hi i want to know if i have any dosh
Manpreet kaur
13 aug, 1982
9:43 am
Place: Rangian
Sir plz answer
Hi Manpreet,
No worries, No serious Dosh is found in your chart.
Pls tell if I have kaal Sarp dosh? And what can be done to minimize the impact
Dob- 4/5/98
Place- South Delhi
Hi Anshuman,
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. It will have no negative impact on you.
Pls tell me how harmful is kaal sarp dosh for me
Dob 4/5/98
South Delhi
Hi Anshuman,
The Kaal Sarp Dosh in your chart is not harmful. No worries.
I’m from Sri Lanka – Colombo
My DOB 1991.03.26 AT 2.16PM
Do I have Kaal Sarpa Yoga?
If so what are the remedies can do as a Buddhist?
Hi DG Perera,
You have partial Kaal Sarp Dosh. It is not that effective. However, you have Shrapit Dosh in your chart that you should have a remedy. Anyone can perform remedy, be it Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Catholic.
My baby girl born on may 21 2020 at 1:15 am in regina Saskatchewan canada and her name is Amaira Sood . Could you please check if she has kaal sarp yog if yes then what kind and what to do next thank you in advance
Dear Amaira,
Thanks a lot for asking a query regarding Kaal Sarp Dosh. Although her chart has Kaal Sarp Dosh, it is not that evil and will not harm. Hence, you should not be much worried. She has many other beneficial and powerful yogas in her chart.
Thanks for providing information on Karl Sarp Dosh. I’ve been told I have this dosh and performed puma at traimbakeshwar 15 years back. I am now 42 years old. Please advice any additional remedies such as Gomed and/or cats eye gemstone will be beneficial.
DOB: 28th May 1979
Place : Vadodara, Gujarat
Time: 6:35 AM
I appreciate your help in this matter.
Dear Rajeev,
Thanks a lot for asking query about Kaal Sarp Dosh. You have done a good job by performing Kaal Sarp Dosh before 15 years. I would not like to recommend you Gomed or Cat’s Eye. However, I would like to suggest you to get Shrapit Dosh Performed by a wise priest as Saturn and Rahu are present in the 4th house. You can refer my article https://www.astroguruonline.com/shrapit-yoga-saturn-rahu-horoscope/
My birthdate is 9th April, 1985; time – 10.21am; place of birth – Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Can you tell if I have Kala Sarpa dosha please..
Dear Madhuri,
I have made an evaluation of your natal chart and found no Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Thank you so much.. I was much worried..
Hi Manoranjan
My daughter’s DOB is as follows
29th ,August ,2019
2:52 pm
place of birth,is kerala
I would like to Know, If my daughter have kal sarp dosh?
Bst Rgds
Hi Jisha,
Please mention the birthplace of the nearest birth city in order to calculate and find if Kaal Sarp Dosh prevails in your daughter’s birth chart.