Zodiac Sign and Symbol
Those born on the 3rd of January are born under the Zodiac sign of Capricorn. The astrological symbol for this Zodiac is a Horned Sea Goat.
Though most Capricorns would rather choose to be alone, these Capricorns are more outgoing and amiable.
Positive and Negative Traits
These Capricorns are industrious, laborious and independent. They are the go getters and will never surrender easily. They are known for their enthusiasm and their realistic approach to problems. They are grounded yet enterprising. Affectionate and giving, genuine and considerate of people around, these are the qualities that make them quite popular.
Usually they are very busy and occupied people, engrossed in their work. They are systematic and proficient.
On the negative aspect, these individuals can be overly cautious and despairing. Sometimes they let their own negative thoughts and lack of confidence hinder their progress. They can be inflexible and rigid to change sometimes. From time to time it is mandatory for them to realize that change can be a welcome adjustment and it could lead to more success.
Often outspoken they can be misunderstood as quarrelsome. They do get argumentative every once in a while. Arrogance and bragging can lead to their downfall. Self absorbed and conceited occasionally, they can get annoying. They have the tendency to squander. At times naive, they can be taken advantage of.
Health Overview
They can be prone to knee ailments or skin issues. Over-stress usually puts a toll on their health. Generally they are blessed with good health.
Work and Finance
Individuals born on this day do well in the fields of business and administration. Due to their gregarious nature they can also explore the world of media and advertising. They also find themselves in the sales and public relation sectors.
Since they are known for their stubborn and determined qualities, they often excel in fields that take time and patience, such as medicine and law. Their creative side sometimes incline them towards the field of art such as writing.
They are financially sound and cautious. But sometimes they are overly calculative which may cause them to miss certain opportunities.
Love Life and Romantic Compatibility
Committed, mindful and unfaltering, once these individuals make up their minds and choose a partner they deem worthy, they work relentlessly, putting tremendous effort to make the relationship culminate into a bond which is meaningful and enduring. But if they are not ready for a commitment, they might be coquettish and playful.
To find the right partner might be a difficult task for them. They may seem cold and unemotional if they believe they haven’t found the right one. Though it may seem selfish and pre-planned, these individuals will only fully be at ease if they find someone as profound as them or with someone who shares similar views on life.
He/She has to struggle through many relationships before finding their soul mates. They are passionate lovers and crave for partners who are as reliable and trustworthy as they are. They also get attracted to sensible and practical people.
Individuals born on the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th,24th and 27th would make good partners. People born on the 3rd of January are compatible with Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo. With Scorpio they will have a very intellectually stimulating and inspiring relationship. They also find some compatibility with a Cancerian and a Piscean. Sagittarius however is considered the least compatible zodiac for the Capricorn. If willing to compromise, a relationship with a Libran may work out.
Friends and Family
As friends they are known to be extremely affectionate and devoted. They understand the importance of friendship and make genuine attempts to maintain their bond. This results in these individuals winning numerous allies in their lifetime.
When it comes to their family, they like to invest adequate time and shower them with abundant attention. They acquire immense satisfaction in doing so. They are very involved and usually have very intelligent children.
Few Helpful Facts
Lucky Days: Saturday(a day representing good humour and creativity), Thursday.
Lucky Numbers: 3 (this number indicates sharp wit), 4(stands for tolerance and strength), 7, 9, 15, 17, 22.
Lucky Colours: Brown, Dark green, Earthy shade, Blue, Purple, Grey. Brown is the symbol of power, resistance and firmness. Purple signifies strength and opulence. These colours can be included in the person’s daily clothing or in the interiors of their house or rooms and vehicles.
Suitable Metals: Silver, Lead. Silver is known to drive an individual towards self analysis and soul searching.
Birthstones and Gemstones: Garnet, Onyx, Sapphire, Topaz, Beryl. Garnet stands for morals, integrity, stability and camaraderie. These can be worn as jewellery.
Lucky Plants: Carnation, Ivy, Chrysanthemum. Carnation symbolizes passion and romance.
Birth Element: Earth. The Earth element symbolizes a realistic world. It strongly influences their pragmatic and practical nature.
Ruling Planet: Saturn. The planet Saturn is believed to be responsible for these individual’s regimented and coordinated nature. Being born in the second Decan, these Capricorns are also sizably influenced by the planet Venus. Venus designates balance and adaptability, hence attributing to the affable, sociable and creative sides of these individuals. This Decan balances the favourable and unfavourable traits of these Capricorns emphasizing more on the positives.
Ideal gifts: Paintings or any work of art and creativity for men. Kitchen set for women.
Most Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Least Compatible: Sagittarius, Libra at times.
The Capricorns born on this day got what it takes to make it big. With some adjustments to their rigid behaviour, overcoming their tendency towards pessimism and fighting a habit of their own negativity engulfing them, there are very few limits so as to what they can achieve. They should focus more on their positive traits and strengths like they focus on a set goal they are assigned to. If they dedicate the same amount of determination to defeat their weakness like the motivation they use to drive themselves to complete a task at hand, there is no looking back for these Capricorns.
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