You must be aware of Yoga in astrology (planetary combination). As the Yoga, so is the Graha Dosh. The Yoga is beneficial to you, while, the Graha Dosh is dangerous. There are many auspicious yogas in astrology such as Gajakeshari Yoga, Mahabhagya Yoga, Panch Mahapurusha Yoga, Kamal Yoga and Neechabhanga Yoga etc.

Similarly, there are many inauspicious Yogas which are often called Graha Dosh that happen in your birth chart.
Most of the people find it very difficult to get rid of these Graha Dosh. The Vedic astrology is a boon for the people during the bad phase as there are many remedial measures in astrology that can help to get rid of planetary afflictions.
In this post, I am going to explain in a nutshell about 11 Graha Dosh that have been harming you to a great extent.
Kaal Sarp Dosh
Kaal Sarp Dosh is one of the most nefarious planetary combinations that have been harming many people in the world. Even the celebrities like Sachin Tedulkar, Gearge Bush and Lara Dutta are not free from this dangerous Dosh.
The Kaal Sarp Dosh happens when all the planets remains within the arch of Rahu and ketu. For example, Rahu is in Aries and Ketu is in Libra and all the planets are placed from Taurus to Scorpio, then you have Kaal Sarp Dosh.
Result of the Kaal Sarp Dosh
There are many people have been suffering due to Kaal Sarp Dosh in the birth chart. This Dosh makes the life slow and struggling. The unwanted sorrows, debts, health issues and familial disputes would become the part of life.
Hence, it is extremely important to consult an astrologer if you have Kaal Sarp Dosh in the birth chart.
Remedial measures for kaal Sarp Dosh
There are ample of remedial measures in Vedic astrology to get relief from the Kaal Sarp Dosh. Here are the lists of remedies that you can perform.
- Chant Om Namashivaya
Om Namashivaya is a very powerful Mantra that everyone knows. The people from different walks of life are well acquainted with is popular Mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva.
You should chant this Mantra at least 108 times daily if your life is affected due to Kaal Sarp Dosh.
- Chant Maha Mritunjay Mantra daily
Maha Mrityunjay Mantra is known for its power and effectiveness. The Maha Mrityunjay Mantra can heal your pain that has reached you due to Kaal Sarp Dosh. You should chant this Mantra at least 108 times daily.
- Chant Gayatri Mantra
Chanting Gayatri Mantra 108 times daily can neutralize the negative effect of this nefarious Dosh in your chart
- Offer Rudrabhishekh
You should visit Lord Shiva temple and offer Rudrabhishekh especially on the night of Mahashivratri. Visit temple of Lord Shiva and offer water, milk and flower etc. on Shiv Ling that will alleviate your pain.
- Don’t kill snakes and reptiles.
You should never kill snakes and reptiles. Killing reptiles and snakes can immensely be harmful if you have Kaal Sarp Dosh in the birth chart.
Pitru Dosh
Pitru Dosh is one the most harmful Graha Dosh that everyone is afraid of. You might be suffering a lot due to various reasons and these reasons are not easily understandable.
Few symptoms of Pitra Dosh
- You might be getting severe problems in your career, profession, job, business social standing and honour.
- You are being unnecessarily troubled. Your married life is in jeopardy. You might not be getting solutions to get rid of marital discord despite your effort.
- You have a lot of enemies around you. The legal cases, police case will always cling to you.
- You are being misunderstood and your work is not being recognized.
- The Pitra Dosh has been making you debt ridden. You are not being free from debt for years.
- Despite earning you are always in deficiency.
Remedies for Pitru Dosh
- You should perform Shradh every year on the same day when your ancestor died.
- Perform Tripandi Shradh
- Offer water to the banyan tree. Offering water regularly on the banyan tree can reduce the ill effect of Pitra Dosh.
- You should offer Shradh during the 15 days of Shradh and also offer water on the day when your Pitru people died.
- Offer food to the Brahmins on the day of Amavasya
- Donate food items in the temple and other spiritual places on the occasion of Full Moon day (Poornima) and New Moon day (Amavasya).
- If you perform these remedial measures with full faith, you will get blessed by your Pitrus.
Nadi Dosh
Nadi Dosh is one the most notorious Graha Dosh that everyone is aware of. The Nadi Dosh has a serious bad impact i the married life of two people.
Hence, it is very important to make a horoscope match before getting married.
What is Nadi Dosh?
The Nadi Dosh happens when the two Nadi become the same in the natal chart. According to Hindu astrology the Ashtakuta matching is considered for the couple before entering into nuptial knot.
There are various matching points are taken into consideration for perfect matching. The Kutas are Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Bhakoot and Nadi.
Nadi Dosh is considered to be more inauspicious Dosh in the birth chart and hence marriage is denied.
In some cases the people don’t match the chart before getting married. Even the people who have love marriage don’t match the chart. However, the Nadi Dosh does not spare the couple.
What happens when Nadi Dosh is present?
- There will no physical attraction between husband and wife.
- The possibility of infertility becomes redoubled.
- The marital discord becomes the part of life.
- Both the spouses are likely to have health issues.
- The kids are likely to be mentally weak.
Remedies for Nadi Maha Dosh
- Indian astrology has always been a boon to the people who suffers due to various Dosha. Luckily, the Nadi Mahadosha has various remedies that can help you to get rid of matrimonial problem. The remedial measures for Nadi Dosh are as follows.
- The girl should get married to Lord Vishnu first then the proposed husband to neutralize the Nadi Maha Dosh.
- Donate cow, grains and clothing to the poor people, needy people and Brahmins.
- The couple should be loyal to each other in any circumstances
- Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra as per the scripture given.
- Perform a grand Nadi Nivarana Puja.
Guru Chandal Dosh
Guru or Jupiter is the most auspicious planets that rules wisdom, education, kids, knowledge, treasury and wealth.
Hence, Guru must be powerful in the birth chart to have knowledge, education, kids and wealth.
If the planet Guru conjoined with the malefic Rahu and Ketu, Guru Chandal Yoga happens.
What happens in the presence of Guru Chandal Dosh
- You will have devoid of wealth and money.
- The couple can be childless or unintelligent children
- There will be no education and knowledge.
- The Guru Chandal Yoga can make one poverty-stricken.
- The person will be pessimistic.
- As we know, the wealth, kids and knowledge play an important role in life, it is very important that one should not have Guru Chandal Dosh in the birth chart.
What to do in the presence of Guru Chandal Dosh
- Feed grass to the cow.
- Help poor people
- Read Hanuman Chalisha everyday. Rahu fears Hanumant Aradhana. That is why reading Hanuman Chalisha can help to get read of Guru Chandal Dosh.
- Chant mantras for Lord Ganesh and Lord Shiva everyday.
- Pour cow milk in the root of banyan tree.
- Offer water to the Shiv Ling on every Monday.
- If the Guru Chandal Dosh happens in the own sign, friendly sign and exalted sign of Guru, then the planet Rahu should be pacified.
- When the Guru Chandal Dosh happens in the inimical house, then you should perform Puja for both Guru and Rahu.
- If Guru Chandal happens in Gochar or transit, then you should perform Puja for Rahu, be disciplined, respect parents and elderly people. Offer food to the poor people.
Mangal Dosha
Graha Dosh like Mangal Dosh is known as Kuja Dosh, Mangalik Dosh. The Mangal Dosh happens when the planet Mars is posited in the ascendant or 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house.
The placement of Mars in the 2nd house is also considered Mangal Dosh according to the South Indian astrologers.
What happens when Mangal Dosh is present in your birth chart?
- There will be unnecessary dispute between husband and wife.
- The health of one of the partners is likely to be down.
- There will be no mutual harmony.
- The legal issues between husband and wife are likely.
- Getting blessed with children will be late.
- There will be deficiency of the wealth.
- Infidelity is likely to happen.
That is why it is extremely imperative that you should get your chart matched before getting married by wise astrologer for this graha dosh.
What are the remedies for Mangal Dosh
- There are many remedial measures to get rid of Mangal Maha Graha Dosh. You can chant Gayatri Mantra.
- Use Red Coral in the ring finger with gold; However, You should consult an astrologer before wearing red coral.
- Read Sundarakand or Hanuman Chalisha.
- Get married with a person with Mangal Dosha.
- Keep fast on Tuesday and you should eat only Toor Daal while keeping fast.
- The Mangal Dosh can be neutralized by performing Kumbh Vivah. The Mangalik person should get married with banana tree, banyan tree or idol of Lord Vishnu made of silver or gold.
Grahan Dosh
Grahan Dosh is also a powerful nefarious Graha Dosh that can harm you to a great extent. The Grahan Dosh happens when you are born with the Sun and Moon in conjunction with Rahu and Ketu.
Grahan Dosh also happens when you were born when Solar or Lunar eclipse happened.
The bad result of the Grahan Yog or Grahan Dosh
- The married people find it difficult to have kids. The children at home get ill easily. The frequent miscarriages happen when Grahan dosh is present.
- There will be inharmony at home and failure in the business.
- The progress of the native gets standstill.
- The chronic diseases, frustration, disappointment and depression become the part of life.
The suggested remedies for Grahan Dosh
- If you have a Guru, you should pay respect to your Guru and help him.
- If the Grahan Dosh happens due to the planet Sun, then you should offer water to the Lord Surya every day. You should read Aditya Hriday Stotram every day. Avoid salt on Sunday. Offer red colored dresses to the girl children.
- If the Grahan Dosh happens due to Moon, then donate white clothing. Make Kheer with rice and offer it to the girl children.
- Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra 1,25,000 times.
- Worship Lord Shiva and Hanuman to pacify the negative influence of Rahu and Ketu.
Gandamool Dosh
You must be aware of the Gandamool Graha Dosh that might have happened to you or one of your relatives. The people are fearful of Gandmool Dosh as it harms a lot and makes the life not only slow but also struggling.
The Gandamool Dosh becomes more dangerous when other planets in the chart becomes malefic.
How Gandamool Dosh happens.
The Gandamool Dosh happens when the native born with Nakshatras of Mercury and Ketu. The Nakshatra like Ashwin, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha, Moola and Revati are ruled by the planet Mercury.
When the kid born in these 6 nakshatras, the kids is said to be born with Gand Mool Nakhtra. Hence, the Gand mool Dosh happens.
The result of Ganda Mool Dosh
- It is said that the kid born with Ganda Mool Nakshtra can bring misfortune or struggle to the father, mother and other members of the family.
- The parents don’t need to worry about the Gandamool Nakshtra as there are many world famous people have born in this Nakshtra. The most important people of the world like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Devananda were born in Gandamool Nakstra.
- These 6 constellations out of 27 have Ganda Mool dosh. Dose that mean almost 20% of the world’s population do suffer with this Dosh.
Remedies for Gandamool Dosh
- Gandmool Dosh is not as serious as you think. The parent should never be worried about this Dosh. If other planets are powerfully placed in the chart, this Dosh will not be harmful.
- Here is the little list of remedies that you can perform to get rid of Gandamool Dosh.
- The parent should perform Gand Mool Shanti Pooja after 27 days of birth of the kid.
- Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra regularly.
- Donate foods to the Brahmins.
- The father of the baby should not see the face of the child for 27 days. The father should keep a small piece of alum in the pocket for 27 days.
- You should worship Lord Ganesh, if you are born with Ashwin, Magha and Moola.
Shani Dosh
The Shani Dosh is one of the most dreaded Graha Dosh that every one fears. The planet Shani can be harmful in many ways. However, you should not be fearful of Shani.
The planet Saturn is the ruler of justice. The Shani punishes when you have done some wrong doing in life.
Shani Dosh can be different at different time. The most known Shani Doshas are Shani Sade Shati, Shani Dheya and Shani Mahadasha.
Of course, the Shani Mahadasha, Shani Sade Sati and Dheya can be harmful when the planet Shani is malefic in the birth chart.
Hence, it is very important to know the strength of the Shani before getting into conclusion. If the planet Shani is exalted, own signed and Yoga Karak, then Shani will not be harmful.
If Shani is Marak and moving over 12th, 1st and 2nd house in the transit, then it will harm severely. Similarly, bad Mahadasha of Shani can have detrimental effect on you when it is weak and afflicted by Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
Result of bad Shani
The Shani Dosh can be extremely harmful. It can create enmity or it may make you poor. It all depends upon the position of the Shani in the birth chart. Here is the small list of Shani Dosha result that you must be careful.
- The works gets delayed
- The loans gets mounted
- The health gets deteriorated
- The mentality gets confused.
- It develops tendency to keep illicit relationship with opposite sex.
- The complexion gets paled.
- The native suffers from depression.
Astrological remedies for Shani Dosh
There are many remedial measures in astrology to neutralize the negative influence of the Shani. Here is the list of the Vedic astrological remedies for Shani Mahagrah Dosh.
- Worship Shani with its Mantra: There are many Mantra for Shani that you can choose which can be easily chanted.
- Mantra : Nilanjan Samabhasam Raviputram Yamagrajam, Chhaya Maartand Sambhutam Tum Namami Shanaischaram.
- Shani Chalisha: Read Shani Chalisha everyday to get respite from the wrath of the planet Shani.
- Hanuman Chalisha: Hanuman Chalisha is also one of the powerful Mantras that can save you from the wrath of the Shani.
- Worship Goddess Katyayani: Although Devi Katyayani is known for her blessing on unmarried girl, it has a great impact in neutralizing the malefic influence of the Saturn. The planet Shani is ruled by Goddess Katyani the 6th incarnation of Navdurga. Hence, worshipping Goddess Katyayani can not only bring your marriage (Getting groom) but also gives relief from Shani’s wrath.
- Wear Blue Sapphire: Wearing Blue Sapphire for the Shani Dosh can have great impact. However, it is extremely important to consult a wise astrologer before wearing Blue Sapphire (Neelam).
Shrapit Dosh
In the Vedic astrology, there are many auspicious and inauspicious yogas happen in the birth chart. The Shrapit Dosh is one of the Dosh that embarrasses the native to a great extent. This Yoga synonymously called as Shrapit Yoga.
When it happens
The Hindu predictive astrology considers the planet Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Sun as inauspicious planet.
When the planet Saturn and Rahu conjoins in a birth chart, the Shrapit Dosh occurs. The astrologers consider it as a very bad Graha Dosh in the chart.
It also happens when the planet Saturn aspects to the Rahu in the natal chart.
Shrapit Dosh and its bad result
Generally speaking, the Shrapit Dosh limits the auspicious result of the native. If you have Rahu and Saturn together in the birth chart, then you have Shrapit Dosh.
In such as situation, you will not get desired planetary result. All the work will get postponed. There will be ample hindrances in business, career, wealth creation, money, family life and social life as well.
Shrapit Dosh and remedies
Fortunately, there are remedial measures and rituals to get rid of this inauspicious yoga. You can perform a Puja for Shani Rahu Shrapit Dosh Nivaran Puja.
- Chant Saturn’s Beej Mantra 108 times daily to get relief from the Shrapit Dosh.
- Shani Beej Mantra: Om Praang Preeng Praung Sah Shanishcharaya Namah (108 times daily)
- Chant Rahu’s Beej Mantra 108 times everyday to get respite from the Shrapit Dosh.
- Rahu Beej mantra: Om Bhraang Bhreeng Bhraung Sah Rahvey Namah (108 times daily)
Chandra Dosh
Life is a struggle and we have to face it. Sometimes struggle crosses the limits and it becomes beyond tolerance.
You have been earning money. However, you don’t have clue where the money goes. You are extremely frustrated and depressed. The unwanted thoughts and fears becomes the part of your life. The road to success and source of income touches dead end.
The root cause of these problems could be Chandra Dosh.
As we know, Moon or Chandrama plays an important role in predictive astrology, it is very important that the Moon should be powerful and your natal chart is free from Chandra Dosh.
What is Chandra Dosh?
The Chandra Dosh happens when the planet Moon conjoined with Rahu. Such condition of the Moon is also called Chandra Grahan.
Since Moon is the significator of the mind, it brings many kinds of unwanted thoughts, depression, fear, hatred, pessimistic feeling etc.
Even the aspect of Rahu and Conjunction of Ketu with Moon is called Chandra Dosh.
When the Moon gets afflicted by any malefic planet and the Moon gets debilitated, then the Chandra Dosh also takes place.
When the Moon and Sun conjoins together in the birth chart, the person also suffer from Chandra Dosh. There is possibility of Amavasya born when Sun and Moon conjoin together in the birth chart.
Chandr Dosha and its remedies
- Donate the articles like camphor, grains, rice, white sandal, conch, silver, white cloth, sugar, curd, white flower, white pearls and bullock.
- You can chant Manta for Chandra
Dadhi shankha tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam
Namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhooshanam
- Fasting on Monday can propitiate the negative influence of the Moon. Observe fast or Vrat for 9 consecutive Mondays.
- You can wear white pearl or Moon stone to propitiate Lord Moon. It is wise to consult an astrologer before wearing white pearl.
Kemadruma dosh
Kemadruma Yoga is one of the most significant Yogas in the Indian Vedic astrology. According to Brihat Jatak by prolific writer Varah Mihir, Kemadruma Yoga happens when both side of the Moon in the birth chart is vacant.
In a nutshell, if the 2nd house and 12th house from the Moon is free from any planets, then this yoga takes place.
What will happen if you have Kemadruma Yoga
The Kemadruma Yoga is said to be a very nefarious yoga in the Vedic astrology. The person having Kemadruma Yoga will be devoid of wealth, money, knowledge, health, progeny and mental peace. This Yoga can make one a pauper despite having a king size life.
The native suffers social stigma, humiliation, misery and failures.
However, there is cancellation of Kemadruma Yoga. The wise astrologer can predict if you have a valid Kemadruma dosh in your chart.
Kemadrum Yoga and remedies
Chant Mantra for Lord Shiva. Chanting Shivapanchakshari Mantra can help you to get rid of Kemadruma Yoga.
Worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Visit temple on Monday and offer milk on Shivling and chant Mantra ‘’Om Namah Shivay’’ 108 times with a Rudraksha mala.
Keep fast on Full Moon day for 4 years continuously. Start fasting on Full Moon day that falls on Monday and Chitra Nakstra.
Read Sri Suktam every day while performing puja at home. Keep Dakshinavarti conch in the Puja place at home. Keep water in this conch and pour it on the idol of Goddess Lakshmi.
Wear a Sri Yantra as a pendant made of silver with a white pearl on it.
Dear Pundit Jee!
I always obey your prediction and respect it. As you had told me to wear moon stone due to chandra dosha, I had worn it on 2007, I got a job in a good company but we all know that time flies and we come out of circumstances we neglect many things.
One year back the ring broken and I removed it but forgot to wear it again. After 8 months I lost my job. Again I came to you over phone and you told me the remedial and told you that I’ve remove the moon stone. You got little tempestuous on me but told me to were the moon stone immediately.
Yes, I purchased a new one and wore on a Monday with doing all rituals. On the next Friday I got a job. 🙂
I am not a God fearing but believe in God. I believe in science as well as in spirituality. Yes, it is too difficult to get God in Kaliyug but we can get their instance and feel the blessing by using those in the form of GEM STONE.
Hi Ranjit, I am extremely happy to listen from you. Your positive feedback inspires me a lot. Thanks a zillion.
Namaste panditjee,I want to know that pitrdosh and gandmool dosh both are same?
Hi Anjali, Pitru Dosh and Gandmool Dosh are different. Pitru Dosh happens due to the affliction of the planet Sun. It is very much needed to keep happy to our ancestars. We generally try to keep our Pitru by performing Shradh. Gandmoon Dosh happens when the infant is born with Asvini, Ashlesha, Magha,Jyestha and Moola Nakshatra i.e the Nakshatra that is ruled by Mercury and Ketu.
Namastey Pandit ji please check Rahu brihaspati shanti has been told me to perform this month. What exactly is this ? Is the year 2018 is not good for me. I have born on 20 Sep 1980. Let me know how to overcome this.
Hi Jagadish
Please share your date, time and place of birth in order to know why the astrologer has prescribed Rahh and Brihaspati shanti.
Namastey Guruji, My Date of birth is 20 Sept 1980, born at 7:05 am on Saturday & place of birth is Bellary.
Hi Jagadish
Use diamond 1 carat or white sapphire at least 5 carats with silver or white gold in the middle finger. It will help you to get rid of your planetary dosh.
Namaskar Panditji, I am going through a very troubled married life and my husband is involved in extra marital affair and asking for divorce. Please suggest some remedies. My D.o.B is 9/6/1988 at 10.04am in Kolkata, West Bengal.
Hi Aparna
Sorry for the late reply. Use Yellow Sapphire with gold in index finger. Read Aditya Hriday Stotram daily to get rid of the situation.
Hello Panditji,
I found your article very useful. Thank you very much.
I have Guru chandal and Grahan dosha in my karma sthana (10th house)
How serious is that ? I am worried about the delayed marriage.
Hi Omkar,
Will check your chart and let you know how serious it is.
Namaskaar Pt. Ji
In great trouble. Please help.
Time:05:15 am
Hi Ankur
You are under Marak Mangal Dasha with Rahu Antardasha till January 2019. Hence, you have a very bad phase. Perform Rudrabhishekh and offer water to the Peepal tree on Saturday. Visit Lord Shiva temple on Monday and offer milk on Shiv ling.
Hi Sir,
Name :Gopal, My DOB: 17/11/1987 ,time:2:00 AM, Place: Wanaparthy, Telangnana ,India .
Iam suffering from the anxiety, depression, unable to focus, concentrate on one thing, changing decisions in no time and facing problems in Job career and unable to save money . I have done rahu ketu pujas in Sri kalahasti temple, wearing Emerald , Please suggest me remedies for better career and for my health issues like anxiety,depression etc.
Hi Gopal,
Wear Ruby in the ring finger. Offer water to the Lord Sun. Read Aditya Hriday Stotram everyday.
Thanks for your suggestion , currently Iam wearing Emerald stone in ring finger can I continue it or I must wear ruby in ring finger.Thank you, sir.
Hi Gopal,
You should wear only Ruby. Remove Emerald. Emerald and Ruby is not recommended together.
Hello Sir,
One of my friend is facing issues in his personal as well in personal life. Wherever he invest his money he only faces loss. He was born on 06- Nov-1988 place was Ghurara in MP. Some pandit told him that he should have fast on Thursday to cure his problems and also after 21 April his dosh will cure. Please suggest what to do.
Hi Jyoti
Please share the time of birth of your friend in order to calculate.
Namaste pandith hi, My D.O.B-27/2/1982 , 10:40pm Saturday.My problems is I am suffering from too much of health problems ,struggle in family problem.please help me pandith ji
Hi Anitha
Please share your place of birth so as to calculate your birth chart and suggest the remedial measures.
07 March 1985 – 11:54AM – Birth place – Howrah, westbengal
Please advise how should I get married and how will be my career life. And when will I start living with my parents again
Manoranjan ji
One thing i admire of your web page is ur response to queries and knowlage of subject and as found jewel i also wants to gain..
After reading ur article i feel i has shrapit dosha and may be other also.. So kindly advice me some facts about my kundali from ur vast knowledge
My dob.. 19/05/1970 time 7.10 am chandigarh UT punjab
Desperately waiting for your response
Aditya ( person in mid of life)
Hi Aditya,
Although you don’t have Shrapit Dosh, you have Saturn Mahadasha now.That is why, you have been suffering. Use Blue Sapphire with silver in the middle finger on Saturday.
I’m suffering in every way of life nt getting any job ,health is getting worse problem in family plz give me solution.
My DOB 18 12 1994
Time of birth : 5 30
Place of birth :mapusa
Hi Edwin
The Moon is afflicted by Rahu and the ascendant lord Mars is afflicted by Saturn that denotes the problem. Hence, you should wear white pearl along with Red Coral.
Dear Padnitji,
My Husband lost his job 1.5 years ago, still jobless, debt gin on increasing, his health is also down.
Please tell me when he will get job ??
His name is Omprakash Sonar
DOB – 19/11/1982
Timing – 1.50 am
Please guide us we are really in trouble
WHen will he get a job
Hi Reena
You have not shared the place of birth of your husband.
HI Reena,
You wanted to discuss over the phone. Please call me whenever you are free.
Hello sir,
Thank you so much for sharing this article and keep on posting.I came to know about grah dosh puja and nivaran
Namaste sir , i wish to start a business in cosmetics ,textiles, imitation jewellery…is it good??…also i have rahu and shani together in makar rashi in 5th house and guru in kark in 11th…do i have chandal dosh too? I keep Worshipping saints, peepal, shiv jee …21/02/1991…8:20pm night(20:20)… Hinganghat, wardha district, Maharashtra..Thanks and pranam.
Hi Ramchandra
The Saturn and Rahu together in the 5th house creates Sharpit Dosh. You have also Guru Chandal Dosh. The remedies that you have been doing is fantastic. If you want to know more details about your Kundli, then you should go for our paid services. I can give you more insight.
Hi, guruji..
I have surya and rahu in 1st place, and Venus and Mars in Laguna..
Please suggest me the remedies..
Hi Ashwin
You have Pitra Dosh in your chart. I have written an article on Pitra Dosh Please go through this and find the remedial measures written there.
Hello sir
My DOB is 28/03/1984 and time 19:50 Ranchi Jharkhand and working in oil company but having very hard work to earn money kindly suggest any remedies to get growth in career i have just married and her DOB is 2/08/1990 time 12:50 Banaso Jharkhand ,how is our compatibility and life
Kindly help
Hi Nitin
Your favorable stone is Diamond or White Sapphire. Wear it in the middle or ring finger on Friday. The numerological calculation says you will have a compatible marriage.
Hi Nitin
Your favorable stone is Diamond or White Sapphire. Wear it in the middle or ring finger on Friday. The numerological calculation says you will have a compatible marriage.
Hello Panditji,
My DOB is 30th September 1984 6.30 a.m. Dhanbad. Everything I do faces a lot of obstacles and some resources meet dead end. Please suggest appropiate remedy.
Hi Dip
You have Grahan Dosh in your chart created by Moon and Ketu. Despite other beneficial effects of the planet you have been suffering. Donate white clothings to the poor people. Make Kheer with rice and milk. Offer it to the gill children. Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra at least 108 times daily. You can also perform Maha Mrityunjay Japa by wise bramhins (1,25,000). However, it is expensive.
Namaste guru ji,
I am 32 yrs and still unmarried. Career front I am successful so far. Is marriage promised in my life? I have listed birth details below. I have heard that my nawamsa is better.
Colombo Sri Lanka
Your kind thoughts on this issue will be highly valued.
Hi Achini
Chant Katyayani Devi Mantra in order to get married soon.
Hi. i want to know about my married life. I am having a real difficult time, jobless, having issues with my husband. Frustated, anxious, Depressed, uncertain about the future. Feeling like the end of the world for me. please guide. My dob-11/10/1989, time-9:20pm, place of birth-howrah, west bengal
Hi Rini
The Lagna and Lagna lord is afflicted in your chart. Hence, you should use Emerald at least 5 carats with gold in pinky finger.
My birthdate
Time : 1611
Pls tell me if there is any serious pitru dosha/curses and remedies for it.
Thank you
Hi Shan
You are born with Gemini Ascendant. The ascendant lord is Mercury which is posited in the 8th house. The ascendant has been highly afflicted by Saturn and Rahu. You should follow the remedial measures for Mercury, Saturn and Rahu.
Sir me and my would be husband have same nadi. Some astrologers said that u cant get married with this person due to nadi dosha,different gana, same bhakoot. But we love each other so much that we cant bear separation. Please help us sir.
Hi Neha,
Please share your date, time and place of birth so as to understand the planetary conditions. Only, Nadi Dosha will not be that harmful.
Pandit ji,
My husband is on ventilator now. His date of birth is 28.10.1989. Time 4.15 pm (place : kottayam,kerala). Doctors told me that his 97% of organs are not wrking and there is no hope fir his per his horoscope he have ketu dosha. Is there any remedy to save him ?
Hi Reshma,
Extremely sorry to know this. He is under the Mahadasha of Jupiter and Antardasha of Mercury. The planet Mercury is in 8th house which is Marak. Hence, the situation has been grave. In such a situation, you should get the Mahamrityunjay Jaap done by local Panjit Ji. I pray God for his speed recovery.
Dear Sir,
My DOB is 28-11-1993 4.25 pm Mangalore. Lagna – Aries, Sun and Rahu sit in the 8th house, Moon and Ketu in the second house. Does this indicate a Pitra Dosha and Grahan Dosha? Saturn in the 11th house is exalted. I am having some issues completing my education. Please advise if I should wear a ruby or a neelam.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Tanu
You have both Pitra dosh and Grahan Dosh in your chart. That is why you have finding problem to complete your academics. You should use Ruby at least 2 carats with gold in ring finger on Sunday.
Pranam pandit ji..
What to do with the kaal and rahu yantra after kalsarpa dosh puja?to leave it in water or to keep to worship?
Hi Oomesh,
You can keep it in the Puja place at home.