There are a lot of confusion about the use of gemstones in astrology. I have seen many people wrongly using gemstones. Generally, the people use the gems with wrong combination i.e Yellow Sapphire with Blue Sapphire or Cat’s eye.
It is extremely important to wear correct and effective stones in order to get desired result.
There are different ways and means to select suitable lucky stones. However, it is very important for an astrologer to prescribe the correct, relevant and effective gems so that the users should not have any harm.

Why you should use correct gems
The use of correct gems can bring outstanding achievement in life. The incorrect stones can harm you to a great extent. You might have heard about the harmful effect of the Blue Sapphire. As the Blue Sapphire, so are the other stones in astrology. Here is the few lists as to why you should use correct stone.
- The gems are very expensive. Hence, it is wise to buy the correct gemstone by consulting a knowledgeable astrologer. It is a huge loss if you have been using incorrect stones.
- The gemstone can have negative influence.
- The low quality gemstone might not be effective.
- Wrong combination of gems can be harmful. Example: The use of Ruby with Diamond is a wrong combination of gemstone.
- The gemstone should be used in an auspicious Muhurt.
- You should fully understand the purpose of your gemstone i.e for health, wealth, marriage, love and children.
- Nowadays, it is very difficult to understand if you are using original or the fake one. Luckily, the computer has been a boon and a simple lab test can say if you have a genuine stone.
- Never use the gemstone that was used by someone else.
The method to find correct gemstone
There are many methods to use astrological gemstone. The lucky stone can be selected by the help of date of birth or numerology, zodiac sign based on both Sun and Moon, and ascendant also.
The use of gemstones according to date of birth is by far the easiest method. This method is adopted when you don’t have time of birth.
The selection of gemstone according to Sun sign and Moon sign is also a popular method. This system is used when you don’t have correct time of birth.
Lastly, the correct, effective and by far the most popular method is recommendation of gems based on your ascendant. This method is widely accepted method among the people and astrologer. In this post, I am going to explain what is your suitable, lucky and life stone according to ascendant or rising sign.
Gemstone for Aries Ascendant (Mesh Lagna)
If you are born with Aries Ascendant (Mesh Lagna) then your lucky stone is Red Coral, Ruby and Yellow Sapphire.
The Red Coral is by far the most suitable gemstone as the planet Mars is your ruling planet or the lord of ascendant. Subsequently, you can use Yellow Sapphire the stone for the Jupiter the lord of 9th house in your birth chart.
You can also use Ruby with gold in ring finger as the planet Sun is the lord of 5th house a beneficial planet. If you wear Ruby and Yellow Sapphire along with Red Coral it will bring more benefits.
Warning: Avoid wearing Blue Sapphire, Emerald and Diamond along with Ruby, Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.
Gemstones for Taurus Ascendant (Vrish Lagna)
If you belong to Taurus ascendant (Vrish Lagna), then wearing Diamond can bring health, personality, social standing and money etc. The diamond is by far the best stone for the person born with Taurus ascendant.
The Green Emerald (Panna) is also a beneficial stone for the Taurus ascendant. The Emerald can be particularly beneficial for the people who are into media, adverting, computer and telecommunication etc.
You can also use Blue Sapphire (Neelam) as a life stone. The planet Saturn is the lord of the 9th and 10th house respectively. Hence, the Blue Sapphire can be a boon for you.
Warning: Never use Diamond, Emerald and Blue Sapphire along with Red Coral, Ruby and Yellow Sapphire.
Gemstones for Gemini Ascendant (Mithun Lagna)
The person belong to Gemini ascendant (Mithun Lagna) can wear Emerald, Diamond and Blue Sapphire (Neelam) as the life stone.
The Mercury is the lord of ascendant and 4th house. Hence, the Emerald can be highly beneficial for health, wealth, social establishment.
If the Emerald is worn along with Diamond and Blue Sapphire then it can bring immensely beneficial result.
The astrologer should calculate your chart and consider the strength of the planet Mercury, Venus and Saturn. The astrologer should prescribe the gems for the planets that is weaker in the birth chart.
Warning: Never use Emerald, Diamond and Blue Sapphire along with Yellow Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl and Red Coral.
Gemstones for Cancer Ascendant (Kark Lagna)
If the native is born with the Cancer Ascendant (Kark Lagna), the white Pearl can be a boon. Apart from this the Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire can bring highly efficacious result for the native.
The planet Mars is the lord of 5th and 10th house the most beneficial planet. Hence, wearing Red Coral can bring success in career, profession and business. Wearing Red Coral along with White Pearl can be more effective.
The planet Jupiter is the lord of 9th house (house of fate and fortune). So, wearing Yellow Sapphire can have a great positive effect in all respect.
Warning: The Pearl, Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire should not be used together with Blue Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald.
Gemstones for Leo Ascendant (Simha Lagna)
If you are born with Leo ascendant, it is highly recommended to use Ruby. The planet Sun is the lord of ascendant which is a ruling planet for you. Hence, wearing Ruby can make your personality strong and physique robust.
It can bring power, position and authority. It is particularly highly beneficial during the administration period of Sun.
Apart from this, you can wear Red Coral since the planet Mars rules over 4th and 9th house in your birth chart. Hence, the planet Mars is highly beneficial.
The Yellow Sapphire is also a beneficial stone as the planet Jupiter is the lord of the 5th house which is a trine.
Wearing Red Coral or Yellow Sapphire along with Red Coral the gemstone for the Leo rising sign can enhance the benefic result to a great extent.
Warning: Ruby, Red Coral and Yellow Should be avoided along with Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Diamond.
Gemstones for Virgo Ascendant (Kanya Lagna)
If you belong to Virgo ascendant (Kanya Lagna), then planet Mercury is your ruling planet. The planet Mercury is both Lagna lord and 10th lord (the lord of profession). Therefore, wearing Emerald can be extremely beneficial in all respect.
You can also wear Diamond as a lucky stone the gemstone for Venus. The planet Venus is the lord of 2nd (wealth) and 9th (fate and fortune). Hence, using Diamond is highly recommendable.
Additionally, you can also wear Blue Sapphire the gemstone for the powerful Saturn. The planet Saturn rules over the 5th and 6th houses. As it rules over a trine, the Blue Sapphire can bring many auspicious result. The wearer can get knowledge, intelligence, healthy and intelligent child etc.
Warning: Using Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Diamond together with Pearl, Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral and Ruby is not advisable.
Gemstones for Libra Ascendant (Tula Lagna)
If you have taken birth in Libra ascendant (Tula Lagna), then wearing Diamond can be a highly wise decision. The planet Venus is your ruling planet that has major role in your life. The use of Diamond as a life and lucky stone can bring health, social standing, and achievement in life.
The planet Saturn is the lord of 4th and 5th respectively and hence a most beneficial planet (Yoga Karak). Using Blue Sapphire for Libra ascendant can bring memory, higher education and wisdom etc.
The wearer can be blessed with kids. It will also bring good home, improve health of your mother and all kinds of material happiness.
The Emerald also a good gemstone as the planet Mercury rules over the 9th house a trine. Hence, wearing Emerald can be beneficial in all respect.
Warning: Wearing Diamond, Blue Sapphire and Emerald along with Red Coral, Pearl, Ruby and Yellow Sapphire is highly avoidable.
Gemstones for Scorpion Ascendant (Vrischik Lagna)
If you belong to Scorpio rising sign or Scorpion ascendant (Vrischik Lagna) then the Red Coral is your life stone. The planet Mars rules over the Scorpio ascendant which is a lord of both Kendra and Trikon. Hence, Red Coral is an extremely beneficial gemstone.
The planet Jupiter is the lord of 5th house which is a trine. Therefore, the use of Yellow Sapphire can be a wise decision.
The planet Moon is the lord of 9th house (House of fate and fortune). Hence, use of white Pearl can bring beneficial result like professional success, money, wealth and you will ultimately get support of nature.
Warning: Use of Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Pearl and Ruby along with Diamond, Emerald and Neelam is harmful.
Gemstones for Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanu Lagna)
If the native is born with Sagittarius ascendant (Dhanu Lagna) then use of Yellow Sapphire is highly beneficial. The planet Jupiter is the lord of the Lagna and 4th house. Hence, wearing Yellow Sapphire can get health, knowledge, higher education, beautiful house, spirituality and luxurious vehicle.
You can also use Red Coral if you are a native of Sagittarius rising sign. The planet Mars is the lord of 5th house. Hence, using Red Coral along with Yellow Sapphire can be extremely lucrative.
The planet Sun is the lord of the 9th house a trine. Therefore, you should use Ruby as an important gemstone. The Ruby can make you wealthy, prosperous and fortunate.
Warning: Use of Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral and Ruby should be avoided with Emerald, Diamond and Blue Sapphire.
Gemstones for Capricorn Ascendant (Makar Lagna)
If you are a native of Capricorn ascendant, then the planet Venus is your ruling planet as an ascendant lord. The use of Blue Sapphire (Neelam) can augment your health, wealth, social status and linguistic gear. You can use Blue Sapphire as a life and lucky stone.
The planet Venus is the lord of 5th and 10 house which is a highly beneficial planet. Therefore, use of Diamond can help you in your higher study, career, profession and business. It is a highly effective stone for the childless couple. You can also use White Sapphire instead of Diamond as it is an expensive stone.
The gemstone Emerald is also a beneficial and lucky stone as the planet Mercury rules over your 9th house (the house of fate and fortune).
Wearing Diamond and Emerald along with Blue Sapphire the gemstone for the ascendant can be extremely advantageous.
Warning: Use of Blue Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald should be avoided along with Pearl, Ruby, Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.
Gemstones for Aquarius Ascendant (Kumbh Lagna)
If you belong to Aquarius ascendant, your lucky stones are Blue Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald. Both Capricorn and Aquarius can use same stones. The Blue Sapphire is your life stone as the planet Saturn rules over the ascendant. It can make you energetic, forceful and courageous. It will bring overall development.
The precious Diamond can be highly beneficial as the planet Venus rules over the 4th and 9th house. This beautiful gem can make you happy and prosperous. It will make you educated and intelligent. Your academics can touch new height.
The planet Mercury is the lord of 5th house. Hence, use of Emerald can help you to develop intelligence, knowledge and education etc. The childless couple can be blessed with baby.
Warning: Wearing Blue Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald along with Ruby, Pearl, Yellow Sapphire and Red Coral can be harmful.
Gemstones for Pisces Ascendant (Meen Lagna)
If you belong to Pisces Ascendant (Meen Lagna), then your life and lucky astrological gemstone is Yellow Sapphire, Pearl and Red Coral. The Yellow Sapphire can be highly effective as the planet Jupiter rules over the ascendant. It can enhance your health, personality, spirituality and social status etc.
The pearl can be also extremely beneficial as the planet Moon is the lord of the 5th house. The 5th house is for brain and child. Hence, you can improve your brain power, memory and knowledge. If you find it difficult to conceive a baby, the pearl can be highly effective.
Wearing Pearl along with Yellow Sapphire can be more effective.
Additionally, you can also use Red Coral as an effective stone. The planet Mars is the lord of 9th (House of fate and fortune). Hence wearing Red Coral can take care of your overall development in life. It is also more effective when you wear with Yellow Sapphire.
Warning: The use of Yellow Sapphire, Pearl and Red Coral is not recommended along with Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Diamond.
Hello sir can u suggest best stone for me for luck,peace,profession.. my profession is Artist(3d Animation) graphic stuff. creativity things.
My DOB -24/09/1988 Place-Ghatgan (keonjhar Dist) Odissa
Birth time 03:56 am
And one more Question sir Can i wear FIROZA stone
and which planet it belongs … same says its for Jupiter some says its for Saturn…
I only want to know does it suits me … or ant other gems plz help me sir am having so many obstacle in my life. i get less result compare to my talent… apat from gems tell me what ever remedies i have to do…. thanks in Adv Bapun
Hi Bapun, sorry for the late reply. Your lucky stone is Ruby with gold in ring finger. You can also use Red Coral along with Ruby to get more beneficial result. Ruby should be at least 5 carats and Red coral 7 carats. Read Sri Suktam every day in order to get financial success in life.
Thank your this blog and very useful information. I am born on 26th November 1970 at around 2:45 in the afternoon in Kerala. I am wondering if diamond is a safe gemstone for me?
Thank you,
Hi Bindu, you can wear Diamond as you are born with Virgo ascenant. The planet Venus is posited in own sign. However, it is afflicted by malefic Saturn and Rahu. Hence, wearing Diamond can be highly beneficial.
Dear Mr. Manoranjan, Greetings! Very informative blog you have been writing and interacting with. My DOB is 25.07.1977; Time: 20.45 hrs; Place: Tiruchirapalli, TN. Please suggest the right gemstones for me for career growth and general enhancement. Thank you, Ashok Kumar
Dear Ashok Kumar,
I had a look on your chart. You should wear Blue Sapphire in the middle finger with silver. You can get benefit of health, wealth, career achievement and general welbeing.
Thank you Mr. Manoranjan for your clear feedback and quick response.
I appreciate your time taken.
Another query I have – can I wear Cat’s Eye and Emerald together?
Reason I ask this is:
1) I am wearing Cat’s Eye for Ketu dasa which is till the year 2021
2) I was suggested to wear Emerald for business & sales improvement
3) Have been asked to wear Diamond from the year 2021 for Shukra dasa and gaining best comforts in this material world
Await your guidance.
Best regards,
Ashok Kumar
Hi Ashok Kumar
You should not use Cat’s Eye as Ketu is posited in the 2nd house a Marak house. The Emerald and Diamond is your life stone. You can use it throughout life even if there is no Dasha and Antardasha of Mercury and Venus.If you use Emerald and Diamond, it can make your life vivid. Hence, you can remove even Cat’s Eye after using Emerald and Diamond. Although Cat’s Eye and Emerald is friendly stone, in your case you should not use Emerald and Cat’s Eye together. Any queries, you may call me for more clarification.
Dear Mr. Manoranjan,
Thank you for your prompt feedback.
I will call you on the number published in this web page soon.
Is it Ok to call you anytime during the day?
Best regards,
Ashok Kumar
Hi Ashok
You can call me at anytime on the number given on the website.
Dear Mr. Manoranjan,
Greetings! Very informative blog you have been writing and interacting with. My DOB is 31.07.1971; Time: 16.41 hrs; Place: Baghdad, Iraq.
Please suggest the right gemstones for me for career growth and general enhancement,
I’m wearing at the moment Yallow Sapphire and Emerald.
Thank you
Hi Haidar Rasul
You are born with Sagittarius ascendant.The Jupiter is present in the 12th house a negative house. Hence, wearing Yellow Sapphire can be beneficial.
Hello sir… I m yashvant, I m facing many problems from last 2-3 years. Pls suggest me right gemstone.. My Dob. 18/07/1986 indore (Madhya Pradesh)
Hi Yashvant,
Now you are under the Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Rahu which is not at all good. Use Diamond or White Sapphire. You can also use White Topaz if the Diamond is not affordable.
Time 11:30 Am
Hello sir,
My date of birth is 24/5/1996 and timing is 12:55 am location wardha, Maharashtra.. I am wearing amethyst which semi-precious stone should i wear with it?
Respected Manoranjan Prusty sir,
Please suggest me for good health, studies, career and enchantment!
Hi Amey
The Amethyst is semi-precious stone that is used in place of Neelam. You are born with Aquarius ascendant, hence Amethyst is good. However, wearing Neelam will be more beneficial in all respect. Keep continuing with Amethyst until you have Neelam. The Neelam is a costly affair.
High my dob is 28 August 1995 9:30 am , should I wear a daimond ring, and which finger, I already got an emrald pendant and blue saphire ring on my middle finger
Hi Srikesh,
What is the place of your birth?
Hi Waseem
You have not given your time of birth. As per your birth date, you can use white pearl at least 5 carats in the ring finger.
Thanks for sharing this blog. Your blog is very informative. I have few query, I have a consulting business while I also work for a corporate firm. But from last 8 years I havnt got any promotion, tho i got various increments but no promotions. Still I m wondering, what is that which is actually stopping me to reach at my desired level. I would really appriciate if u tell me which will be the best gem stone I should wear.
BOD – 8th Jan 1982
Time – 10:20 am
Place – Mumbai
Hi Samrudhi,
Use Blue Sapphire with silver. It should be at least 5 carats in weight. The planet Saturn is posited in the 8th house which is not giving good result. Wearing Blue Sapphire will be beneficial.
Thanks for sharing this blog. Your blog is very informative. I have few query, I have a consulting business while I also work for a corporate firm. But from last 8 years I havnt got any promotion, tho i got various increments but no promotions. Still I m wondering, what is that which is actually stopping me to reach at my desired level. I would really appriciate if u tell me which will be the best gem stone I should wear.
Dob- 10 january 1991
Time-3: 40pm
Place- jabalpur m. P.
Hi Rohit
You are born with Taurus. The planet Venus which is the Lagna lord has been hemmed in between Rahu and Saturn. Hence, you have been facing the problem. Use Diamond at least 70 cents in the middle finger.You can use 4 carats White Sapphire in place of Diamond as it is an expensive gemstone.
Dear Manoranjan Jee,
Humbel pranams. I am already 61 years old and would really appreciate if you could respond to my
request of recommending a gem stone I could wear.
My Birth Date: 1st May 1959 City Place: Valsad State:Gujarat . INDIA.
Kind regards.
Shrikant Patel
Dear Shrikant Ji,
Thank you for your interest as to the gemstone. As per your birth date, I would like to recommend Ruby. However, It will be better if you can provide your birth details like date, time, and place of birth so as to have a better assessment of the lucky stone.
Hello sir can I wear blue shappire or other gemstones with emerald stone because l already wear emerald stone in right hand little finger please sir guide me .Name .Syed Rahat Hussain
D.oB. 14.101982
Place .Hyderabad sindh Pakistan .
Hi Syed,
I have checked your chart and found that the White Sapphire will be the best option to wear along with Emerald, although I don’t deny wearing Blue Sapphire. All 3 stones are your lucky and life stone.