Aries ascendant and their physical appearance
If you belong to Aries ascendant, you are likely to be lean and muscular. You are of middle stature and having mediocre body. You are neither thick nor extremely slim. You are having rudy complexion, long neck and face, narrow at the chin and broad head. You have a bushy eyebrow and rough and thick hairs on the head. You are likely to have a scar on head and face. The eyes are likely to be greyish brown.
Mental tendencies of the Aries ascendant
The Aries people are generally courageous, forceful, independent, ambitious, aggressive and rash in temper. If you are born with Aries sign you are likely to be in the position of management and administration.
The person born with Aries Ascendant is straightforward, outspoken and independent in the mentality. The person belong to Aries rising sign can have good organizing ability and great command over the people.
The Aries people are generally lover of freedom but generous and helpful by nature. They are liberal to little extent while spending money. The love adventurous lifestyle and sports as well.
The Aries born ascendant is zealous worker, ingenious, realistic and practical in their opinion. The have tendency to take action without forethought. The Aries likes to take faster action and have a progressive attitude.
They meet a lot of struggle in life. So far as the fortune is concerned, they are changeable. They love to enter into politics and do excel once they have opportunities. They are more or less religious.
The domestic life for the people born with Aries ascendant is strained. They possess few kids and have a tendency to change residences frequently. The Aries personality travel quite a lot. They have quite a lot of enemies.
The marriage generally takes place early and hurriedly. They work well in the field pertaining to quick action, decision, medical field and position of responsibility.
Health and Aries ascendant
Although the Aries people are strong and robust, they are not free from injuries, accidents and surgical incision. Hence, it is highly advisable to the person born with Aries rising sign to avoid rash driving and adventurous sports.
The head and face is likely to get injured. The person born with Aries rising sign is liable to suffer from injuries, accidents, surgeries, burns, high fever, colitis, pimples, small poxes. Insomnia and paralysis.
Precautions for the Aries rising sign
The Arians should be very careful about their sleep. It is very important to have selective food especially green vegetables and healthy vegetables. They should avoid anger and excitement. The Aries ascendant should meditate regularly and avoid non-vegetarian foods.
Finances for the Aries people
The Arian people are generally not eager to amass wealth for their personal gains. The Aries ascendant person should avoid lavish lifestyle and extravagance. They are likely to loss money out of impulsion and reckless investment.
If the malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are posited in the ascendant, then the native will start great but the end will be in crash. There will be imbalanced budget for the Arians. They look before they leap.
Love and Marriage for the Aries ascendant
The person with Aries rising sign loves to have adventurous romance. They easily attract their opposite sex due to their handsome looking body. They are very practical and realistic in exchanging the mutual love. They are eager to have long lasting love and relationship.
Having adventures in the love is the Aries’s basic character. Aries should not be changeable in matters of love and affection. Arians should keep patience and avoid emotion.
The Aries husband is lucky enough to find beautiful and intelligent wife. The person with Aries ascendant get romantic and passionate lady.
Ideal Match for the Aries ascendant
The Arian can have good match with the person born with Leo ascendant, Libra ascendant and Sagittarius ascendant. However, it is very important for the Arians to keep patience and avoid extravagance to lead a happy married life.
Domestic live for the Aries ascendant
The Arian is a good host and they love the members of the family, friends and relatives. The friendship with good company is their cup of tea. The Arians of cheerful nature. They love to reside in a neat and clean home. To keep harmonious environment at home, the Aries ascendant should be extremely alert about the dealing with the members of the family. They should avoid harsh words, criticism, and impulsiveness as far as possible.
Professions for the Aries ascendant
As a rule, the people born with Aries ascendant do well in the field of Army, defence department, security, medical surgeon, iron, steel, sports goods and electrical field etc. It is very important the astrologer should take the 2nd, 9th and 10th house into account in order to find the correct profession for the Aries people.
If the lord of the 10th house is strong enough in the birth chart and in the Navamsa then the Arian will develop by leaps and bounds.
Lucky days, Number and Colour for the Aries zodiac sign
The Aries people should follow their favourable colours and numbers so as to succeed in life. The Tuesday is the best day, while Sunday and Monday is fair to start any undertakings. The Lucky number is 9. They can keep friendship with the people born with the series 3, 6 and 9. The favourable color is Red, Crimson, copper, golden and yellow. The black color should be avoided.
Gemstone for Aries ascendant.
Although the Red Coral is good for the person born with Aries ascendant, it is extremely imperative to consult the astrologer before wearing any gemstone.
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