We all are well acquainted with the Saturn Mahadasha (Shani) and its effect on the human being. The planet Saturn is one of the most powerful planets in the astrological and predictive world.
This powerful planet is the judge among the nine planets. Hence, Saturn punishes so harshly to the people who are involved with unlawful, illicit and illegitimate activities. The planet Saturn does not tolerate the injustice even to the little extent.

In this post, I am going to share some vital information about Shani Mahadasha. I will explain you the pros and cons of the Saturn Vimshottari Mahadasha that you have been facing or you are about to experience.
You must have known the terminologies about Shani sade Sati, Sani Dosh and Shani Mahadasha etc. The mahadasha of Saturn runs for 19 years. While shani sade sati runs seven and half years.
The planet Saturn brings result according to its position in the birth chart. The Saturn Vishmottari Mahadasha could be both harmful when it is debilitated, combust and afflicted by malefic planets. However, Saturn does not harm always. It can do wonders when it is beneficial.
19 years of pains, sorrows, agony, failure and litigation
You might have been axed due to the negative influence of the planet Saturn during its Mahadasha. No doubt, the administration period of Saturn could be extremely harmful. It becomes more dangerous when the planet Saturn is not posited in a favourable condition in your birth chart.
The planet Saturn can bring harshest result during its major period. The result might differ during its Antardasha period with different planet. The malefic Antardasha of planets will be more catastrophic while the bad mahadasha with benefic antardasha can be moderate.
Generally, the people with bad mahadasha of Saturn faces different kinds of problems and obstacles.
The Shani mahadasha can even ruin the native if it is ill-disposed. It can bring health issues, loss of both movable and immovable property, fraternal fights, homelessness, deceits, devoid of reliable friends, robbery, burglary, marital discord, litigation, enmity, enormous loans, legal punishment, divine punishment, professional failure, loss of source of income and unwanted travel etc.
19 years of outstanding success, money, wealth, power and social status
We have discussed ample of negative factors about planet Saturn. However, the planet Saturn can be extremely benevolent and bring phenomenal achievement in life.
The planet Shani makes you a kingly person and a super rich guy. The planet Saturn can take you to the pinnacle of success effortlessly.
The planet Saturn is such a powerful planet that can give a king size life. The benevolence of Shani is explained here. Perhaps Saturn is such a planet that can either make you a king or it can make you a beggar if it is against you in your birth chart. Here is the few factors that can happen to you during the Shani Mahadasha
- Good and robust health
- Social status
- Good family life
- Money and wealth
- Congenial relationship with siblings
- Palatial building
- Influential and rich friends
- Knowledge, intelligence
- Winning over enemies
- Beautiful life partner and happy conjugal life
- Long lifespan
- Spiritual development
- Success in business, career and profession etc.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha according to ascendant (Lagna)
The planet Saturn offers both good and bad result according to its position in the natal chart. The native can enjoy good result and also experience bad result.
If the planet Saturn owns a bad house like 6th, 8th and 12th house but posited in the exaltation and own sign, then you will reap the good effect and result.
In this article, I am going to explain both good and bad result according to ascendant or Lagna. You can understand below if Shani is beneficial to you
Aries Ascendant – malefic
Taurus Ascendant – benefic
Gemini Ascendant – benefic
Cancer Ascendant – malefic
Leo Ascendant – malefic
Virgo Ascendant – benefic
Libra Ascendant – benefic
Scorpio Ascendant – malefic
Sagittarius Ascendant – malefic
Capricorn Ascendant – benefic
Aquarius Ascendant – benefic
Pisces Ascendant – malefic

Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant
The planet Saturn is the lord of the 10th house that rules the profession, career and job. Most of the ancient classics like Parashar Hora Shastra, Sarvarth Chintamani and Saravali etc. is of opinion that the planet Saturn is a malefic planet for Aries Ascedant.
You may face a lot of problem relating to your profession, career and job. You are likely to loss money and wealth out of your profession.
However, this benevolent planet can take you to the apex when exalted in Libra or own signed in Capricorn or Aquarius. You can have spectacular success in career and profession. The native can get support from father and elderly people.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant
The planet Saturn is the most beneficial planet for you if you are born with Taurus ascendant. The planet Saturn is the lord of both 9th and 10th house. Hence, it is the rajyoga karak. You can get immense benefits during its administration.
You will have outstanding achievement, social status, money, wealth, name and fame, connection with people of rank, political people and rich people. It can make a person like king. There will be plethora of professional and career success. The businessman can expand and redouble the business to a great extent during the 19 years of Mahadasha of Saturn. If you are in job, you can have high profile job, increment, promotion and what not.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant
If you are born with Gemini ascendant, then the planet Saturn is a beneficial planet for you. Saturn owns the 8th house and 9th house respectively. As a 8th lord it rules over your death and as a 9th lord it rules over your fate and fortune. Hence, it is a auspicious planet as it own 9th house in your chart.
You will have ample of success in your life during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn. You will have happiness from the members of the family. You can hoard money and wealth. The career and profession will develop by leaps and bounds. You will have a lot of spiritual development and pilgrimage.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant
If you belong to Cancer Ascendant, then the planet Saturn is not a beneficial planet as it owns the 7th and 8th house in your birth chart. The planet can be dangerous unless it is posited in an auspicious house like 2nd, 9th and 11th house.
As a malefic planet it can make your life miserable. There will be financial losses, health issues, dispute with business partners, unwanted travels, matrimonial dispute etc. However, planet can bring auspicious result during it Mahadasha if it place in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius. You should be especially careful during the malefic Antardasha of Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant
The planet Saturn is the lord of 6th and 7th house for you if you have taken birth with Leo ascendant. As a 6th house lord this powerful planet rules your diseases, debts and enmies etc. and as a 7th lord it organizes your conjugal life. This is not considered as a beneficial planet as per the Indian ancient classics such as Parashar Hora Shastra, Phaladeepika and Jataka Parijata etc.
During the Saturn Mahadasha, you will have many sorts of hindrances such as health issues, huge loans and deadly enmity. The matrimonial life is likely to be axed by Saturn. Hence, it is advisable to be very careful about health and happiness. The Shani can only bring good result when it is own signed or exalted in Libra.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant
If you are born with Virgo rising sign, the planet Saturn is considered as an auspicious planet. The planet Shani rules over your brain power, knowledge, intelligence and children. As a 6th house lord it organizes diseases, debts and opponents etc.
As it is a lord of 5th house a trine, it is considered as a benefic planet for the native born with Virgo ascendant. During the major period of Saturn you will have knowledge, higher education, intelligent kids, career and happiness. Your success can be redoubled if the planet Shani is own signed and exalted.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant
The planet Saturn will remain in your favour if you belong to Libra ascendant. The planet Saturn is the most beneficial planet for you. The planet Saturn rules over the 4th and 5th house. As a lord of both Kendra and Trikon it is considered as the most beneficial planet or Raj yoga Karak.
During the phase of Saturn, you will develop by leaps and bounds. You will have house, high value vehicles, happiness from children, and happiness from mother, higher education, friendship with rich and affluent people. You will get social status due to your knowledge, education and intelligence.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant
The planet Saturn is the lord of 3rd house and 4th house if you have taken birth under the Scorpio rising sign. As lord of 3rd house and 4th house the planet Shani will not be considered as beneficial planet for you. However, the astrological scriptures says it will bring beneficial result as a lord of 4th house a Kendra (An evil planet can be auspicious when it owns a Kendra)
Though Saturn is not that beneficial, it can bring general wellbeing, material success, vehicular please, happiness from the friends and success in general as a evil lord of 4th house. You will be successful in your academics.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant
If you are born with Sagittarius ascendant, the planet Saturn is considered as a malefic planet. During the 19 years of mahadasha of Shani you might experience bad result such as monetary deficiency, fraternal dispute and loss of immovable property.
However, the planet Saturn can only be beneficial if it is posited in the 2nd house, 9th house and 11th house. The exalted Saturn and own signed Saturn can also be beneficial to you.
If this planet is ill placed, debilitated and afflicted then it can bring very negative result during 19 years of its administration period.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant
The planet Saturn is a natural benefic planet if you belong to Capricorn ascendant. The planet Saturn is the lord of the 1st house and 2nd house that organizes health, wealth, money and family affairs.
During the phase of Saturn, you will have all sorts of comforts. You will have success in house, saving, social status, knowledge and contacts with people etc.
The result will be more visible if the planet Saturn is in Capricorn and Aquarius and in Libra which is Saturn’s exalted sign. You will have great command over languages and gift of eloquences. You should take maximum advantage this phase of Shani.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant
The planet Shani is equally beneficial for you like the person born with Capricorn ascendant. The planet Saturn is the lord of Lagna and 12th house. Hence, it is considered as a natural benefic planet for the native born with Aquarius ascendant.
You will have good health, knowledge, money, wealth, social status, foreign travels and spiritual gains during 19 years phase of Saturn. You will see more visible results if it is posited in its own sign in Capricorn, Aquarius and in Libra which is its exalted sign.
If the planet Saturn is debilitated and afflicted by malefic planets, then it can create health issues and problem pertaining to general wellbeing.
Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant
If you belong to Pisces ascendant, the planet Saturn is not a benefic planet. The planet Shani is the lord of 11th and 12th house respectively.
As a lord of 11th and 12th house it is not considered as a beneficial planet. The afflicted Shani can be extremely harmful during its administration period. It can bring unwanted journey and loss of money.
However, the planet Saturn can bring open the doors of immense source of income, money and knowledge etc. You can expect phenomenal result if it is posited in the own sign in 11th house. The planet Saturn in 10th and 11th house can bring social status and reputation.
Remedial Measures for Saturn in astrology
As we understand the planet Saturn can be noxius during the phase of 19 years, you can get rid of Shani’s wrath by following remedial measures as per vedic astrology. The remedial measures are as follows.
I’m a libra rising person, so Saturn rules my 4th and 5th house. It’s my yogakaraka, positive. However, shani mahadasha have Just nas effects for me. My Saturn Dasa started just before my 16th birthday and just will finish in 2023. A very harsh period of few Money, Friends, joy…I have almost 29 years por now and I feel shani take away my youth from me. In my D1 chart, Saturn occupy the 3rd house in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha) in opposition to my Moon that sits in 9th house in Gemini (Punavarsu).
As in Navamsa Saturn is in virgo in the 6th house and my lagna is in Aries.
What makes Shani Mahadasha so difficult for me?
Is it the fact it started in a very young age?
Is because the opposition Saturn-Moon?
Is because my Navamsa Lagna is Aries and Saturn occupy the 6th house of this chart?
Please, If someone knows something about it give an answer!
Next May 20th I will start Rahu Antaradasha. I have Rahu in aquarius in the 5th house. God help me!
Hi Tattiana,
Please share your date of birth, time and place of birth in order to calculate your chart and recommend the remedial measures.
What is the effect of Saturn and ketu conjunction in 12th house?
D.O.B : 24th may 1996
Place : Wardha District (Maharashtra)
Time : 12:55 Am
Please tell is it good or bad for me?
Hi Ameya,
Conjunction of Shani and Ketu in the 12th house is not good. It is called Shrapit Dosh in the Vedic astrology.
Im Sagittarius ascendent and my saturn is positioned in the 8 house along with sun
The planet Saturn will not be good. Hence, you should perform remedial measures to reap good result of Saturn during its Mahadasha.
Sir, My sister is Sagittarius ascendant and her Saturn is in 2nd house in sign of Capricorn at 12:30 degrees with Jupiter’s (Exalted) mutual aspect on Saturn from 8th house. Her Saturn Mahadasha has just started. Can you please tell me how mahadasha could go possibly? I am really worried about her..
Hi Avinash,
The Saturn Mahadasha will definitely be good.
Hello Sir,
I am aquarius ascendant with Saturn in 7th house with Jupiter, Sun, Rahu, Mercury. DOB: 13-Sep-1979 06:25pm Davangere India I am currently running Saturn Mahadasha and antardasha. Please let me know is it good or bad?
Hi Sunil,
No worries. Saturn Mahadasha will remain good.
Namaste,my Saturn Maha dasa starts in January 2020,Aquarius lagna with saturn in 2nd house sitting in Pisces 1st degree Jupiter ruled poorvabhadrapada Nakshatra,Jupiter being exalted in 6th house aspecting Saturn. This leads me to believe Saturn dasa should be mostly favorable generally speaking,but saturn happens to be Avayogi for my chart,what is your opinion overall???
Hi Antony
Your analysis is quite accurate and I agree with your standpoint.
My saturn mahadasha will comes in november…
Capricorn lagna..
Saturn in 12th…being in 12th how will be my saturn mahadasha….good or bad?????
Dear Revathi,
Generally, the placement of Saturn in the 12th house for Capricorn ascendant is not good. Certain remedial measures needed to enhance the positivity of Saturn Mahadasha.