Mangal Dosha is extremely harmful as we have been knowing from not only our parents but also from the experienced astrologer. The parents are afraid of knowing that their most loved son and daughter are affected by Mangal Dosha which has been deterring many marriage proposals.
Even the non–believers in astrology starts showing horoscope to the astrologer stealthily to get rid of dangerous Mangal Dosh after getting rejected by marriage proposals due to presence of Kuja Dosh
What is Mangal Dosha
Mangal Dosh is a widely popular household name which every Indian knows. Generally speaking, every household are scary of accepting the daughter-in-law having Managal Dosh. The parents are in search of Mangalik girl for their son and vice versa.
The Mangal Dosh has many synonyms such as Kuja Dosh, Mangalik Dosha, Mangali, Bhouma Dosh and Mars Dosh etc.
The people are afraid of tying the knot with the person having mangal dhosh. Mangal Dosha is condition formed by the planet mars in the natal chart.
The calculation for a Mangali Chart is very simple. When the planet Mars is posited in the 1st (Ascendant), 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house the Mangal Dosha occurs. The presence of Mars in the 2nd house in the birth chart is considered as Bhouma Dosha in South India.
The presence of mars in these house makes the horoscope fearful and gives an opportunity for astrologer to predict the result of Mangal Dosh and prescribing expensive remedial measures as well.
How Mangal dosh is harmful
It is very important to have a peaceful married life. Your birth chart needs to be free from any sorts of planetary hurdles to lead problem-free married life. The thumb rule of better married life is given here.
- Good health
- The availability of the products that is required in the modern lifestyle such as television, refrigerator, vehicles, washing machines, smart phones, music systems and all other modern gadgets.
- Mutual sexual pleasure
- Life span and safety from unwanted incidents like calamity and assaults etc.
- Power of buying the household products to lead an easy and sophisticated life.
All these factors will be affected when the planet Mars is posited in the Lagna or 1st, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house, 12th house and even in the 2nd house as per the rules prevailing in South India.
Hence, it indicates the boy or girl having Manglik Dosh may have health issues, difference of opinion, lack of worldly affairs, sexual pleasure and even it becomes an obstacle to have children.
Does Mangal Dosha instigate marital discord
Since we know that the planet Mars is one of the most powerful planet in the zodiac after the Sun, this can be extremely harmful if not well placed in the birth chart. The position of the mars in the birth chart can indicate different results in different houses.
If the planet Mars is posited in the ascendant, then the couple are likely to have health issues and psychological discord.
When it is posited in the 4th house, it will be harmful to the general wellbeing. In case the planet Mars is place in the 4th house in a girl’s chart, then there will be continuous fight between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
When the planet Mars is posited in the 7th house, it will create sever difference of opinion, arrogance, quarrel and fights between husband and wife. It will all happen since 7th house indicates marriage and matrimonial happiness.
When the planet Mars is posited in the 8th house, the partner is likely to die since the 8th house is the indicator of the death.
If the planet Mars is posited in the 12th house in the girl’s chart, then the girl will be sexually stronger than the husband.
Does Mangal Dosha make one widow
The death and disease makes everyone fearful. We all are afraid of either death, disease and mental disharmony when a boy or girl approach for a matrimonial knot.
The question comes now can the planet mars kill the native. The answer is simple and straight forward. The only Mangal dosh does not kill the native or spouse. There are other factors to be taken in to account.
First of all, you should know the position of the 7th house and its strength. If the 7th house and lord of 7th house is afflicted by the malefic planet Mars, Saturn, Sun, Rahu and Ketu then there is a strong possibility of having death of the life partner. And sometimes it may not be exactly death since the life span to be taken into consideration while computing birth chart.
The affliction of the 7th house and 7th lord can bring separation in many form. I have seen many people with affliction of 7th house and its lords, still they are staying in the same home without speaking term.
Some have been seen to abandon the home and family altogether. While, some class of people have gone astray.
Therefore, it is not always necessary that the spouse will be widow due to the presence of Mars in the ascendant, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house.
What statistics says about Mangal Dosha
The Mangal Dosh is widespread and almost 90% of the population who believe in astrology are afraid of the Kuja Dosh. However, the statistic says something else. Lets discuss about the statistics of the Mangal Dosh.
I must say to use little mental math to understand Mangal Dosh better. Most of the people do calculate Mars dosh from the Lagna itself. While, it is recommended to calculated Mangal Dosh from the Moon Lagna and Shukra lagna as well.
If we consider all the factors form Lagna, Moon and Venus then all the population of the world are likely to become Mangalik. And not all the people are having matrimonial dispute or death etc.
Not to speak of Moon and Venus, even the Lagna chat indicates almost 42% of the people are Mangalik. Does it mean that 42% of the people are suffering due to presence of Mars in the Lagna, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house. In fact, there will 50% of the people will be Mangalik if we consider 2nd Mars as per the South Indian principle.
So, the calculation here says you need to take other factors to predict all about marriage, though Mars has a significant role in destroying your married life.
Let’s discuss astrologers view
As we all know that all the astrological books are written by male, the shastras have been male oriented.
When a person consults an astrologer with a stronger planet of Mars, the astrologer does predict that the native is courageous, forceful, independent, strong willed, determined, adventurous, managerial, administrative, commanding, outspoken and can be highly successful in the field of defense, military and administration as well as security etc.
These are the positive factors which are predicted for the male horoscope by an astrologer.
However, the astrologer does predict just reverse in case of a girl with the same position of planets of mars in the birth chart.
The astrologer starts predicting immediately that the girl is arrogant, harsh in speaking, quarrelsome, non-cooperative, aggressive, stubborn, housebreaker, intolerant and dominating. The position of Mars may also kill the life partner.
Therefore, it is extremely important to always consult an astrologer who is wise, considerate and helpful.
What I believe, the prediction should be equal, no matter if the native is a male or female.
Cancellation of Mangal Dosha
You will be surprised knowing the position of Mars in the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house does not harm always.
You have a good story to know that the Mangal dosh cancellation does happen. Let’s discuss what are the major factors of cancellation of Magal Dosh.
While, it is said that the Mangalik can take the life of the partner, our sages have been seen to be quite liberal to free us from the mental agony that happens due to Mangal. They have offered some clues of cancellation of the Kuja Dosh.
सप्तमे यदा सौरिर्लग्ने वापि चतुर्थके।
अष्टमे द्वादशे चैव तदा भौमो न दोषकृत।।
The Kuja Dosh gets cancelled if the other partner has the Saturn posited in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th respectively.
दोषकारी कुजो यस्य बलीचे दुक्त दोष कृत्।
दुर्बलः शुभ दृष्टोवा सूर्येणस्मऽगतो पिवा।।
The Bhouma Dosh gets cancelled when the planet Mars is weak or debilitated, combust and aspected by benefic planets.
वाचस्पतो नवम पंचम केंद्रे संस्थे जाताऽगंना भवति पूर्ण विभूति युक्ता।
साधवी सुपुत्र जननी सुखिनी गुणाडढ्या सप्ताष्टक यदि भवेद शुभग्रहोऽपि।।
The Mangal Dosh will get cancelled if the planet Jupiter is posited in the Kendra or Trikon in a female horoscope. The native will be fortunate enough, intelligent and will be blessed with son.
चर राशि गते भौमे चतुरष्ट व्यये धने।
लग्ने पापविनाशस्स्यात् शेषे पाप विशेषतः।।
The Mangal dosh also gets cancelled when It is posited in movable sign such as Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
चतुर्थे कुज दोषस्यात् तुला वृषयोर्विना।
पाताले भौम दोषस्तु ेममा वृश्चिक योर्विना।।
The Manglik gets cancelled if the planet Mars is posited in the 4th house in its own sign or in the sign of Venus.
न मंगली मंगल राहू योगे। न मंगली चंद्र भृगु द्वितीये।।
न मंगली केंद्र गते च राहू। न मंगली पश्यतियस्य जीव।।
The Magal Dosh gets cancelled when the planet Mars is in conjuction with Rahu, or Moon and Venus are posited in the 2nd house, if planet Rahu is posited in the Kendra and when Mars gets aspect from Jupiter.
उक्त स्थानेषु चन्द्राच्च गणभेत् पापखेचरान्।
पापाधिक्ये वरे श्रेष्ठ विवाहं प्रवदेद बुधः।।
The Kuja Dosh gets cancelled if the numbers of inauspicious planets are posited in the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house and 12th house in a male chart than a female chart.
व्यये कुज दोषस्यात् कन्या मिथुनयोर्विना।
द्वादशे भौम दोषस्तु वृष धौलिक योर्विना।।
The Manglik also gets cancelled when the planet Mars is placed in the sign of Mercury and Venus
भौम स्थितेशे यदि केन्द्रकोण तद्दोषनाशं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः।
The mangal dosh gets cancelled if Mars is posited in the Kendra from either Lagna or Moon
सबले गुरौ भृगौ वा लग्ने धूनेऽपि वाऽथवा भौमे।
सक्रिणो नीचारिगृहे वार्कस्थेपि वा न कुज दोषः।।
The Kuja Dosh gets cancelled if the strong Jupiter is posited in the Lagna or 7th house, or Mars is retrograde or weak and placed in an inimical sign.
पंचक स्थानगे भौमे लग्नेन्दु गुरु संस्थिते।
बुध स्थिते न दोषोऽस्ति दृष्टं दोष न चिन्तयेत्।।
The Managal Dosh gets cancelled if the planet Mars is in conjunction with Moon, Jupiter, Mercury or aspected by one of them.
स्वक्षेत्रे उच्चराशि स्थिते उच्चाशें स्वांशगेऽपि वा।
अंगारको न दोषस्स्यात् ककर््यां सिंहे न दोषभाक्।।
The Mangal Dosh gets cancelled when the planet Mars is in own or exalted sign or placed in own or exalted sign in the Navams chart or placed in the sign of Cancer or Leo
चतुस्सप्तमगे भौमे मेष ककर््यालि नक्रगे।
यदा राशौ शुभ प्रोक्तं कुज दोषो न विद्यते।।
The Kuja Dosh gets cancelled when the planet Mars is posited in the 4th or 7th house in Aries, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.
अर्केन्दु क्षेत्र जातानां कुज दोषो न विद्यते।
स्वोच्च मित्रम् जातानां तत् दोषं न भवेत्किल।।
Mangal Dosh gets cancelled when the planet Mars is posited in the friendly sign like Cancer and Leo or it is posited in its own or exalted sign.
बुधाश्युक्तेप्यथवा निरीक्षते तददोष नाशं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः।
The Manglik Dosh also gets cancelled when the planet Mars is in conjunction with Mercury or aspected by Mercury.
भौमतुल्यो यदा भौमो पापो वा ताद्दशो भवेत्।
वर बध्र्वोिर्मथस्तत्र भौम दोषो न विद्यते।।
The Kuja dosh gets cancelled when both the boy and girl is having Mangal Dosh in the chart.
अष्टमे भौम दोषस्तु धनु मीन द्वयोर्विना।
अष्टमे कुज दोषस्यात् कर्कट मकरयोर्विना।।
The Mangal Dosh gets cancelled when 8th lord Mars is posited in the 9th, 12th, 4th and 10th sign.
गुरु मंगल संयोगे भौमे दोषो व विद्यते।
The Mangal Dosh gets cancelled when the planet Mars is posited with Jupiter.
चंद्र केन्द्र गते वापि तस्य दोषो न मंगली।
The Bhouma Dosh gets cancelled when the planet Moon is in Kendra.
The remedial measures to get rid of Mangal Dosh
We came to know in the is article that the Mangal Dosh gets cancelled in many cases spontaneously. Sometimes the marriage takes place with a Manglik boy or girl even with or without our knowledge. Either the astrologer does not indicate Mangal Dosh or it may be a case of love marriage.
The vedic astrology has various sorts remedial measures to get rid of Mangal Dosh.
If you have Mangal Dosh, then you should get Mangal Yantra installed in the temple at your home and recite the Mantra 108 times. It will definitely help you to have peaceful marital life.
You can also use Red Coral at least 8 Karats with gold in ring finger to get rid of Mangal Dosh. However, the Mars should be a beneficial planet in the birth chart.
You can also observe Mangal Gouri or Bat Savitri Vrat to dispel negative effect of Mangal Dosh.
It is also recommended to get married with Peepal tree secretly before getting married.
You can keep Mangal vrat and perform puja of Hanuman Ji and recite Hanuman Chalisa to get rid of Mangal Dosh.
Celebrity who has Mangal Dosh
There are celebrities who have Mangal Dosh. However, their life is moving fantastic. Abhisekh Bachhan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan are having Mangal Dosh. Abhisekh Bachchan is having mars in the 2nd house which indicates Mangal Dosh as per the south Indian belief.
The Bollywood heroin Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is also having Mangal Dosh. However, her Mars is posited in the 7th house in Aries which is an indication of Mangal Dosh cancellation automatically.
lakshmi says
Can u tell me about if i manglik or not
DOB:- 24.08.1991
TIME- 9.10PM
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Lakshmi
The planet Mars is posited in the 7th house. Hence, you are a Manglik
Pravin Kashyap says
Hi, My name is Pravin Kashyap. I was born on 20th Oct 1987 at 7.22pm in Mumbai. Girls name is Moonmoon Chetri born on 10th Jan 1986 at 10.10am in Kolkata. She is very scared of marriage as she is manglik. Can you please help us?
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Pravin
Although she is Mangalik, I don’t think you will have any problem if you get married. The other aspects of the planets for marriage good in her horoscope. Hence, you can proceed with marriage.
Sandip Biswas says
Can u tell me i mangolik or not??
Name Sandip Biswas
DoB 11jan 1992
Time 6:08pm
Place kolkata
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Sandip
You are not a Mangalik
nimesh says
Can u tell me about if i manglik or not and Marriege is possible or not
DOB:- 8.11.1991
TIME- 10.30 AM
PLACE :- Gujarat,petlad
Girl :
DOB:- 25.1.1993
TIME- 06.10 PM
PLACE :- Gujarat,vasana
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Nimesh
You are not a Mangalik. The only problem is that the planet Ketu is posited in the 7th or marriage house. The Rahu is giving Dristi to the marraige house. Hence, marriage is likely to be little late.
Debalina Banerjee says
Can u tell me am I mangalik or not?
Debalina Banerjee
10 june 1986
5:05 pm
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Debalina,
The Mars is posited in the 2nd house. Hence, you are not Mangalik.
Shilpi Banerjee says
Hello Sir,
Can you please advise I am mangalik or not.
Don’t 02 March 1989,
, Chandigarh.
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Shilpi, you are not a Mangalik.
Suravi Dutta says
Hello sir,
Please tell me whether i m mangalik or not..
DOB- 6th march, 1994
Time- 7:15 AM
Place – Guwahati, Assam
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Suravi,
You are a Mangalik. However, your Mangalik Dosh getting cancelled due to Jupiter’s aspect to the Mars
Anu Thomas says
Could you please tell whether I am manglik or not?
DOB : 25-04-1991
Time : 12:14 PM
Place : Kochi,Kerala
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Anu,
Yes, your birth chart suggests that you are a Mangalik.
Indira Patro says
Sir, I m a Scorpio ascendant and mangal in 4th house along with Jupiter. Am I manglik.
My husband is cancer ascendant with mangal alone in 7th house ie in Capricorn sign. Is he manglik.
Manoranjan Prusty says
Dear Indira,
As per information you have given, the Mangal Dosha is getting cancelled despite its presence in the 4th house in your chart and 7th house in your husband’s chart.
Rohit says
Please tell if the manglik dosh cancelled or not?
DOB – 8-8-1998
Time- 2:15 am
Birth place- meerut, uttar Pradesh
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Rohit,
You are lucky. Your Mangal Dosh is canceled.
Sayali says
My name is Sayali.
DOB : 28/08/1995
Time : 9:15 am
Place of birth :Solapur, Maharashtra
I want to know if my manglik dosha is getting cancelled
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Sayali,
You are lucky. The Mangal Dosh is getting cancelled.
Jaspreet says
Tell me …mera manglik dosh cancel hua ki ni…girls details..jaspreet kaur..23 nov 1987 4.50 am kanpur up..
Boy details
Abhishek sundi
2 oct 1990
7.30 pm
Talcher orrissa
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Jaspreet,
Manglik Dosh is getting cancelled. You can get married.
Rahul says
Hi sir
Date : 28-09-1996
Time : 3:45 PM
Place : Ludhiana, Punjab
Please tell if i am manglik or not and if it’s getting cancelled or not?
Manoranjan Prusty says
Dear Rahul,
You have Mangal Dosh in your chart.It is not cancelled
Sasikala says
Namaste sir, Name. Sasikala DB-22/02/2004. Time-11.50PM. Place- Punganur,Chittor district,Andhra Pradesh. Am I Manglik? Please help me sir.
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Sasikala,
Your Mangalik Dosh is canceled. The placement of Mars in the 7th house creates Mangal Dosh. However, in your case, it is not effective.
Bhargavi says
Hello sir
Name : Bhargavi
DOB : 15-02-1996
Time : 6.35 AM
Place : Anantapur, Andhrapradesh
Please sir tell me I want to know when manglik getting cancelled
Manoranjan Prusty says
Dear Bhargavi,
You don’t have Mangal Dosh in your chart as Mars is placed in the 2nd house. Hence, you need not know the cancellation of Mangal Dosh unless you are an astrologer. Best of luck!
Lavanya says
Hi sir,
Name : Lavanya
DOB : 16-05-1996
Time: 2:35 pm
Place : Channapatna
Please tell whether Mangal Dosha is cancelled or not
Manoranjan Prusty says
Hi Lavanya,
You are blessed as Mangal Dosha is canceled. The planet Mars is placed in the own sign in Aries and getting Jupiter’s aspect. Therefore, Mangal Dosha is nullified.