Almost everyone has a dream car and people go that extra mile to buy a car of their choice. So why not take that extra step for a Vastu compliant garage. A Vastu compliant garage has a distinct advantage over a casual garage and we shall delve into it deeper, as you read on.

Why should our Garage be Vastu Compliant
We usually see or hear about accidents, people buying cars and spending huge amounts of money on regular maintenance and servicing or the car being an overall burden rather than a convenience. It is a huge letdown and a mental and physical stress, when something we buy out of love and necessity becomes a dilemma. All these misfortunes cannot be attributed to sheer chance of luck but something that could be adversely affecting the car and the overall energy of the garage.
Therefore it is important to apply Vastu principles in the garage as it not only ensures our monetary and mental wellbeing but also hinders accidents which could be catastrophic otherwise.
Following are the Vastu principles that can be implemented to make sure that our garage is a safe and a beneficial space for the car.
- Location of a Vastu Compliant Garage: The Right and the Wrong Areas
Cars and automobiles are built with metal mostly. It should be noted that metals have magnetic energy and could be highly beneficial if kept in the right direction.
Keeping this in mind, Vastu states that the ideal location of the garage is the north-west side and the south-east side. Vastu however prohibits the location of the garage in the north-east and the south-west sides of the building.
- Where to park the Car in a Garage?
According to Vastu Shastra the car should always be parked in a north or east facing position. It is because these directions get ample sunlight which keeps the engines of the car in good health.
However, one should never park the car facing the west or the south side as it may attract negative energies which could result in fire hazards.
- Flooring in a Vastu Compliant Garage
In Vastu it is clearly mentioned that the floor of the garage should be smooth and without cracks. Concrete is preferably used as it avoids skids. The Vastu also says that the floor should slope downwards towards the north, east or the north-east direction.
- Positioning of the Gate in a Vastu Garage
The Vastu Shastra has underlined the importance of the location of the gate in the north, east and north-east direction. Vastu has also advised to keep the garage gate wide enough for the smooth entry and exit of the car. However, one should be careful to ensure that this gate is smaller than the main gate of the house to keep the negative and positive energies in balance.
- Ideal Colours in a Vastu Compliant Garage
According to the Vastu Shastra the ideal colours for the garage are earthy green, brown or light yellow. These colours are believed to create a peaceful, hassle free environment and reflect sunlight which also invites positive energy.
- Compound Wall and the Garage
The compound wall should never be supporting the garage. This is because it leads to hindering of the natural light of the house. Therefore it is best to avoid taking support from the compound wall for a well lit home and garage.
- The approximate size of a Vastu Complaint Garage
In a Vastu complaint garage it is essential to have a walking space and a sufficient door space. According to Vastu there should be at least be two to three feet of walking space after the car has been parked inside. This not just ensures comfort and convenience but also makes sure that there is sufficient light inside the garage.
- Proper Pathway for the Cars
The Vastu states the importance of a clean, clear and smooth pathway for the cars in a garage. Concrete should be avoided here and it should be well maintained to make sure the car parking is easy and less time consuming.
Vastu also emphasizes that flammable materials and waste items should be kept away from the garage as it could lead to the accidents/damage of the car and property.
- Thrash free Garage
The garage sometimes ends up as a store house for unwanted articles in our homes. Vastu states that this should be avoided and a garage should always be kept clean and clutter free. A disorganized garage attracts confusion in the space which could have serious implications on the safety of the garage. Vastu therefore prophesizes the discarding of unwanted items rather than storing them in the garage.
- A Vastu Complaint Garage Roof
If a slanting garage roof is the preferred choice of an individual, then, one should take care to see that it slopes from the south to north or from the west to east. A Vastu compliant garage roof is sure to attract positive, vibrant energy to the garage and overall to the house.
- What do you do when there is No Adequate Space for a Garage to be built?
Sometimes due to space constraints we are unable to build a proper separate garage. Vastu however has specific details one may follow in such a situation. The details are as follows:
- Porch
In case the possibility of building a proper garage in your home is zero, the next best option would be to construct a porch. However, the Vastu mentions that this porch should be constructed in the north, east or the north-east direction. Construction of pillars around the porch with a roof is also preferable but it should be away from the main building.
- Basement
If a garage is constructed in the basement, the Vastu suggests that it should be in the north or east direction. This is to ensure that the cars parked inside, in this area receives some amount of solar energy.
After a concise idea of how one should construct a Vastu friendly garage, it is safe to say that a vehicle is never a bad investment. It is the dynamics of the garage which decide the positive or negative outcomes of owning the car.
Thus to ensure that our mode of transport and leisure does not eventually becomes a source of stress and hassle, these Vastu ideas should strictly be adhered to.